XcomTools is newest and probably not the latest registry fix and repair tool on the market of many registry cleaners and fixers. Registry software applications are mostly promoted as cure-everything that is not properly running on a PC or laptop.
As you might be aware, every time you run Windows (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, 98) operating system and its built-in programs or even third party software your Windows registry gets modified, depending on your activity while using the system. Not every application is fully compatible with your Windows and other software running on your PC. This cause corrupting your Windows operation system registry which usually reflects as seeing corrupted shortcuts, unexpected Windows errors, program annoyances, destroyed folders or even blue screen of death!
With help of XcomTools you can now clean, repair, optimize, secure, speed-up your Windows. But does XcomTools actually work as expected? I have ran Xcom Tools for this review on my home computer and notebook I mostly use in office and I must admit I was really impressed with number of errors that were found on both computers. I have presumed that those errors and other program related annoyances cause slownes to my computer and guess what? I was correct this time. After I did clean and repair problems with a single click of a »repair all« button, everything seemed to speed up, even thought it wasn’t running super-slow back then. But I managed to notice improvement rapidly after running XcomTools.
I have tried many different registry cleaners in the past, but most of them didn’t improve my Windows system at all! With XcomTools you will get an amazing program that will help your computer in perfect condition with a single click.
Wondering how many errors and other problems that are caused by corrupted registry will fix on your computer? Download the latest version of XcomTools now, while you still can!

I bought the lifetime, three computer licence, and the installation appeared to work correctly. However, the programme will not run and even apparently contains a virus named by Bitdefender 2012 as “application.generic.377359”
Has anyone else had this problem? It has happened on two computers running Windows 7 – 64 bit.
I bought this software, got the email which was supposed to contain the license code, but the field was blank. I haven’t been able to contact anyone at Xcom to get my code. Feeling like I may have been had?
pls anyone with the license key pls!!!!
works ok on my pc
Somehow it won’t start loading
i am going to download this tool and see on my own.. hope is good
I just got my registration code to email after buying license for two computers.. so i was able to instantly fix all issues that have been found.
quite cheap tools that work well ;D
XcomTools is really good software for people who don’t know much about computer geeking and want their computer to be running fast with no warnings.
One more vote for XcomTools!
works good!!
I must say I did download Xcom Tools in a previous month and it cleaned most registry mess I managed to make during this year. I need to admit I didn’t expect my notebook to be running that smoothly after fixing those problems.
Well, I recommend you to run the XcomTools every week if you want your Windows to be optimized and errors free.
This software is recommended by me, James J ;)