Find out Which Software is Connecting to the Internet

There are some programs that use the internet. It is usually used by software developers to get stats or to verify if your license is legit. It can also be used by hackers though. Most malware is able to steal your information and send it to the hacker via the internet. You can prevent it by using a good firewall.
Process Explorer

There are many ways to figure out if an application is connecting to the internet and some are easier than others. The easiest way was to use an application called “Process Explorer.” It is very similar to the task manager, but is more advanced. It can check if a single or multiple process are using the internet. The only thing that I dislike about the program is there is no way you can keep a log of processes using the internet. Once the process is disconnected from the internet, it will disappear from the Process Explorer. A process would be able to use the internet, disconnect, all behind your back and you would not even know it happened.
download  Process Explorer (1.6 MiB, 5,231 downloads)
You can block programs from gaining access to the internet using your firewall, and in some cases your anti virus program. You can also add it to HOSTS file which is how pirates use prevent programs from gaining access to the internet.


  1. yusif moro says:

    am looking for a softwear to connecting my wirless laptop

  2. Jericho Joy says:

    lookig forward for this software….ssshhhhhhhhhhhh