Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Remover

Here is the ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) remover for those who are getting annoyed by the Windows Genuine Advantage popping up every few second.

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)

You did install the latest updates recommended by Windows, now you get a message saying: this copy of Windows is not genuine, you may be victim of software counterfeiting.

To disable Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) once for all, simply download and install WGA remover.

Updated in August, 2012 – this version of WGA Remover is recommended for Windows7. But users say it also works on XP, Vista, 7 and even Windows 8.
download  WGA Remover 2012 for Windows7 (1.6 MiB, 3,395,314 downloads)

Password: fixexe

Once patch is installed, reboot the Windows.


  1. The tag will go away only after carrying out the revalidation process.

  2. This didn’t work for me. I still have “This copy of Windows is not genuine” in the bottom right corner.

  3. Agung Dwiyana says:

    IT’S WORKING.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SO MANY THANKS…!!!!!!!!!!!wakakakakakakaka

  4. It is not working on my Windows 7 Ultimate, showing some error as file may be corrupted…… Thanks for wasting my time.

  5. it didnt work The buttons are gray and it says”unsupported OS Information”
    Build 7600.win7-gdr.100618-1621
    What can I do?

  6. did work on 7
    but instead of uninstalling
    go to safe mode and directly install and restart

  7. did not work on windows 7 : (

  8. HI,

  9. Im using windows 7 ultimate, DID NOT WORK !!!

  10. i love u its working on vista aloso so try out guyz this is an amzing patch thanks to the creator :P

  11. a

  12. Anybody can explain it step by step how to use this tools ?

  13. OMG! It’s working. So many Thanks, really.

  14. Hey Guys, I came back to take back my earlier words i.e. the one above Zongvoc ……. the anonymous one. This thing really works. The fault was with me not with the patch. The FRIGHTENING BLACK THING with the ANNOYING TAG vanished and I got back my SEXY DESKTOP. Guys I NEARLY GOT AN ORGASM! Thanks to the guys to made it. I could marry you, you know!

  15. hu hu hu …. it doesn’t work for my pc…. T_T
    i can’t see any changez…..

  16. I tried it on mine pc. I use W7 ulitmate 32 bit. It did not work. Looks like its effectiveness depends upon it mood to work. HA ha ha ha ha

  17. Nop, it doesnt work on my win 7 ultimate.
    I have done like you saw, but it didnt work….

  18. Just had my sister phone me over the phone complaining about her windows not working properly. I sent her a link to this webpage and told her what to do via the included instructions. Took 10 minutes in total (With reboots and explaining what to do) and the problem is not there.

    For all you who say it dosen’t work, there is no hope. This is as easy as scratching your ass and it WORKS. Confirmed working on Win 7 32 bit, Win 7 64 bit and WIn XP Pro SP3. If you cannot get this simple program to work it is best if you pay someone to do it for you (Easyist money earned for them..) or just pay for a genuine copy.


    Thanks a tonne!


  20. Tons of thanks. It worked for me and now windows is activiated. Thank u so much for such a wonderful tool.

  21. great tool. thank you very much

  22. WGA seems much harder to get around on Vista Ultimate x64.

    Anyone having any luck at all or suggest a way round it?

  23. Hi, can u help me for removing wga from XP?

  24. link is dood

  25. thanx

  26. Tried it on Windows 7 Enterprize (x64) and the Loader v1.8 would not run.
    It then states that I have an “unsupported OS”.

    I have a Build: 7600.win7_gdr.100618-1621
    BIOS ACRSYS – (08/16/32)

  27. This is a piece of shit. Don’t use it. It didn’t remove WGA on my Windows 7 64-bit. RemoveWAT helped.

  28. My trick was to temp disable AVG (with autoruns ). Run Chew VGA 0.9 and revert to original. Reboot, run CHEW vga 0.9 again. Problem solved!
    Enable AVG again.

  29. Its not working on my system… my system is toshiba portege m300 with W7 ultimate…it get same pop up message every time… toshiba serial is not listed is that the reason?

  30. Anonymous says:

    it did not work for me why?

  31. Anonymous says:

    This is cool. It worked W7 Ultimate 64 Bit. Thanks a ton for this tool.

  32. MAHESH KAPLESH says:

    this is not working win windows 7 ultimate 32 bit

    any body can solve this

  33. Anonymous says:

    I tried to use this patch but it didn’t work. can someone help me? I have windows 7.

  34. Anonymous says:

    worked yaaro on windows 7 ultimate………thanks a lot….i m too happy

  35. Also, I’ve scanned everything with Avira, AVG, Avast and Webroot. AQll detect nothing. This is not a virus or Trojan. Those claiming this is a Trojan are getting a false positive. Momentarily shutdown your antivirus and this should work perfectly for you.
    (apologies for the double-post)

  36. The 2010 Windows 7 patch worked flawlessly. =] thank you guys so much!
    but, I have one question: Can this be used to validate Microsoft Office as well?

  37. working wonders. gr8.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Sandy :I’m using Windows 7. Can I use this toll to remove WGA notification?

    I can attest that this worked like a charm on Win 7 Ultimate. But my friend is running XP Pro and although it rids the annoyance, each time he goes to validate it fails.

  39. thanks! It worked for windows 7!

  40. not working for win 7 :-(

  41. Thank you for supplying such great things to remove anxities ..

  42. Please anyone confirm if it is safe now to update windows. This patch works with my windows 7 32bit. thank you!!!

  43. I need to confirm that wga remover works on Windows 7 64 edition as well.

  44. Anonymous says:

    bernz :Thanks, it worksssss!!!!!!!!my question is: it is safe now to update the windows? plssssss reply….

    You can you just need to make sure you dont install the wga tool again but even if you do you just have to run this tool again. Now if you have win 7 then make sure you dont install the wga updates. They will say which ones they are. I am not sure on this since I dont and havent used xp in a long time but I dont think there are anymore updates coming out for them. With windows 7 they are putting out new updates and the newer wga udates will over write the removal tool now and the tool may not work if they are on too it and have updated the files that this removal tool changes to stop the wga… Hope that helps sorry for the long post

  45. Anonymous says:

    avg and other virus protection programs will come up with a false postitive due to the fact it is a crack/patch….. I have used this tool on more then 10 computers and it works to this day with no problems…. Thanks for program :D

  46. Thanks, it worksssss!!!!!!!!my question is: it is safe now to update the windows? plssssss reply….

  47. Wow….I’m speechless…….. Your WGA remover really worked. Superb! I love you for that. Thank you very much.

  48. thanks very much for you sharing. very help me

  49. Anonymous says:

    thanks, it works

  50. Anonymous says:

    is this working in windows 7???

  51. What? Does anyone know the estimated time for this patch? Thanks.

  52. ChewWga works for all version. Expecially Windows 7 64bit!!! This does not work properly for 64bit windows 7. Search for Chew Wga if you want to activate 64bit windows people. Will not post this again if anyone missed this.

  53. didn’t work for me, win 7 ultimate x64

  54. I downloaded WGA remover for win7, restarted my computer and now I can not boot my windows!!!!! It sais something like HOFNT is compressed press alt+ctrl+del to restart.When I do this,it starsts all ower again:HOFNT is compressed press alt+ctrl+del to restart….. HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!

  55. WGA remover for win7 worked for me. I don’t know how WGA was installed as I had automaatic updates turned off. It wasn’t showing before and one day when I turn on the comp, i get WGA notification.
    Anyway this worked for win7(x86). Those who are skeptical, just give it a try.

  56. kunaljit says:

    it works like miracle!!!!!!! awesome software!!!! thankx a lot!! hurray!!!!

  57. Alejandro Caicedo Paz says:

    Cool men… Thanks

  58. is this crack works for win 7 ultimate 32 bit

  59. Anonymous says:

    Removewat worked the best for me on Win 7 Unltimate 64bit. Couldn’t get this one to work at all.

  60. Thank you. This is best wga remover I have tried on Windows 7, ultimate!

  61. thanks buddy…!! it worked gr8.

  62. Worked a treat on Win 7 Ultimate, thanks, I will be forever in your debt. :-)

  63. all microsoft are supported try it …!!!

  64. Anonymous says:

    pota gumana nga try nyu

  65. vinay sri says:

    All thanks to you genius,,,,WGA ride on that crap….

  66. vinay sri says:

    All thanks to you genius,,,, WGA ride on that crap…

  67. doesn’t work for me. windows 7 ultimate

  68. this wga remover is also effective in vista home basic?

  69. Anonymous says:

    Awesome!!! Thanks so much. Worked like a charm.

  70. Anonymous says:

    thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx u alllllllllll

  71. Windows 7 64 bit only seems to work with Chew-Wga. But good luck finding it. Chew-wga will activate windows 7 64 bit. Search on yahoo or google. You might have to try a couple different links till you get the right one. For Windows 7 64-bit…but also works with all version.

  72. i having windows7 ultimate 64bit its asking like get geniue i put the software wga but still i facing the same problem plz tel me the solution for this

  73. i just tried it right now and it worked on my windows 7 ultimate 32-bit!GREAT! thanks a lot! keep it up!

  74. khaoslord says:

    didnt work for me …running windows 7 ultimate 32bit help ….

  75. I tried some other tools – they didnt solve my problem (I had kinda preactivated Windows with no wga-keys and so on).

    This here worked! just follow its steps (if antivirus alarms you.. i guess you must no be afraid)

    * Launch the loader application and select to uninstall
    * Restart the PC
    * Install the loader and restart the PC
    * Visit the following website to revalidate Windows:
    * /genuine/ klick the bottom called ” –> Windows überprüfen / check installed Windows ”

    Thanks a lot guys and girls!

  76. Tonoman445 says:


    thx a lot to the maker od this, u rule man :D

  77. Stopped working today-will run it again to see what happens.

  78. thank you sooo much… :D

  79. By the way, I am using the 64-bit Ultimate version of 7.

  80. It’s 6-26-2010 and I just used this on windows 7 Ultimate and so far it’s worked fine, except I lost my background pic. No biggie.

    I had this for months, got ot from my MSDN subscription and just started the validation warning today so I did searches and found this page. So far all watrnings are gone and I can use Windows Update fine.

    The MS validation page may have changed since the last post here. I recall ebfore it was one link, however today there are 2-there’s one above another, the first to install “validation.exe” first, and an invalid warning box will pop up again. Just close the box, let ti finish install, then do step 2, that is just below that and it validates. Then I rebooted.

    Checked the program for viruses, didn’t find any with Kaspersky. Whoever uploaded this saved me a lot of headache and money and I do appreciate it. You would think since I paid big $$ for an MSDN subscription the keys would be okay, but guess now.

    Feel free to email me at rrose6868 on yahoo.

  81. Windows 7 64 bit only seems to work with Chew-Wga. But good luck finding it. Chew-wga will activate windows 7 64 bit. Search on yahoo or google. You might have to try a couple different links till you get the right one. Good Luck.

  82. bilikererao says:

    Yes, it works like magic !! Thans.

  83. This program, my dear Mr. Fixer, is a one-way ticket to Awesometown.
    Thank you very much!)
    I cleared 3 notebooks from any traces of WGA. But it won’t wotk with my stationary computer. Could you please contact me through e-mail and help? It’s Windows 7 ultimate x64. I used the remover with the exactly same system on notebook, and it worked just perfect!
    Waiting for a response, cheers, your truly.

  84. Confirmed this works!

    I’d tried to follow instructions from other sites that say to remove wga files and/or registry entries from Windows 7, but I couldn’t find either of these, and other instructions to remove the “not genuine” watermark only removed the watermark and not the nag popups.

    This, however, has fixed nag screens, watermarks and everything with ease!

    (For the record, I bought a legit copy of Windows 7 today online but have to wait for it to ship. In the meantime, my evaluation period has expired and I needed Windows to not bother me while I wait.)

  85. tom :Update from june 12, 2010 at 19:47….had the “Notification” randomly pop up once, so I ALSO changed the OGAAddin.dll file to OG.dll. So far so good.

  86. Update from june 12, 2010 at 19:47….had the “Notification” randomly pop up once, so I ASLO changed the OGAAddin.dll file to OG.dll. So far so good.

  87. Search Wikipedia for Office Genuine Advantage. Wikipedia states: “…the notifications can be avoided by renaming/deleting three (or only two) files (OGAAddin.dll, OGACheckControl.dll and OGAEXEC.exe) in directory C:\WINDOWS\system32. The file OGAAddin.dll can be left, as it alone doesn’t cause the notifications.” I changed file OGACheckControl.dll to OGAC.dll AND file OGAEXEC.exe to OGAEX.exe. No more popups and no downloads to try to fix the issue. If you run into problems, just change the files back to the original names. Worked like a charm!

  88. the wrong man says:

    Worked first time on my 7 ultimate no prob’s. THANK’S!!!

  89. hey…ur wondows 7 WGA remover didnt for for me …

  90. ghostman says:

    WGA Remove 2010 didn’t work..TIMA’s suggestion (REMOVEWAT) works perfectly! cheers!

  91. I don’t know what i did wrong but the problem still there. I can’t get ridd of it.

    But thx anyhow

  92. hey tima.. thanks a lot.. i tried the wga remover but nothing happens.. but when i used what you suggested.. it really works.. thanks.. gob bless..

  93. it worked for me.. thanks for the fix!!

  94. Does the computer have to disconnected from internet when applying the WGA Remover on Windows 7 ?


  95. @Ken 64
    i am using windows 7 64bit. If this dont’t work use removewat.and if windows genuine still pops up,to remove/disable windows genuine…go to start menu-run-msconfig-services, then scroll down to windows activation technologies, then uncheck that box next to it, Apply-ok…then reboot..It should not pop up anymore. Search for Removewat on torrent sites.

  96. It’s does’nt work on windows 7 64 bit. Do you have a solution for the 64 bit version?

  97. …thank you very much ..its really work !!! …whoeee!!!…i would like to thank the owner of this site!!

  98. thanks.. it’s working on my win7… !!!

  99. Gandalf says:

    Hey boy i tried to use this remover on Win 7 64 bit but didn’t work instead on another pc with Win 7 32 bit it’s ok. Could anyone help me??


  100. Windows7PowerUser says:

    Thanks, WGA remover worked on my Windows 7. Really nice tool to get ride of Windows Genuine Advantage once and for all!!

  101. @pitou
    to remove/disable windows genuine…go to start menu-run-msconfig-services, then scrolol down to windows activation technologies, then uncheck that box next to it, Apply-ok…then reboot..It should not pop up anymore

  102. this program is not working on my computer. can someone please help me! my computer is windows 7. PLEASE HELP!

  103. DuffMcWhalen says:

    Ok… ok…. i surrender, i will buy a copy of windows 7.
    Enough of the black background, enough of the message saying my windows is not activated.
    You win Microsoft lol

  104. Alien FX Fiend™ says:

    This doesn’t work anymore,microsoft have changed things quite a bit since they have quit auto-updates,i have a file that lets you get a valid windows media license, however after updating service packs i get the message couldn’t check license,and windows locks me out!i had to format and disable auto-updates with safe xp and xp anti spy!! please fix this to work with the newly regulated windows xp as of april 28,since auto-updates are only for genuine copies.

  105. LATELY…
    I Found The Right Solution To This Problem…



    1.search in google autoruns
    2.click the first link
    3.scroll down until you find the downloadable link below
    4.Extract the file
    5.open the two related files coming from the download
    6.on the second file,try to find “winlog” then click
    7.scroll down to find “wgalogon” uncheck it then close
    8.go to start then click “control pannel”
    9.Try to find the “automatic updates” of not found,try to see it in simplest way
    10.turn on “Turn off automatic updates”
    11.Then restart your computer

  106. buuna sera io o provato di fare togliere il wga ma il programa non lo toglie e dice di riaviare il nortification tool come posso fare
    garazie mile prima di risponermi

  107. I agree with bernd, This Shittttttttt!!!! doesn’t work on my os windows 7 I run the wga remover, reboot it in safe mode then run it again still it’s there, I did everythimgggggggggg! just wasting time better install the genuine thing

  108. what’s the difference of those? pls answer this question…thanks

  109. cutyshrek says:

    I tried and followed the instructions on this page to the fullest but, I seemed not able to succeed. I run the file and IE opened a page and downloaded the program from Microsoft. I run it but, it did not give me options to accept EULA. It just automatically install it then, I rebooted the pc. Unlucky me, the WGA still on my screen. Please hellp! I use Win 7 Ultimate.

  110. when I opened my Laptop yesterday it was on, because I forgot to shut it down. When continue I noticed that there is this message,
    build 7600
    the windows is not genuine”
    when I restarted it, it says i must have genuine windows.
    what are the other causes of that?
    and are there other ways of fixing my windows7 without purchasing the windows genuine windows7? please help me with this.

  111. pawntokingsrook says:

    Worked in under 5 min. with just a few clicks. After I wrote a page of complicated hacker instructions from other sites.

    But kicked me to the WGA website which rejected my version, then I closed that browser, hit “any key” to reboot from the green C: prompt window, and it worked. So don’t sweat that stuff.

    Muchas gracias, xie xie, merci beaucoup, domo arigato! I’m immortal again! Ominipotent again!

    But really, what is Microsoft’s company slogan: why fly when you can crawl in the dirt?

  112. @Sandy

    Post #89 and #104 says it does.

  113. I’m using Windows 7. Can I use this toll to remove WGA notification?

  114. Muhammad Irfan says:

    The link doesn’t works

  115. Great!!!!! It works with Windows 7 Professional very well!!!! thanks a lot!!!

  116. This doesn’t work for me. I boot safe mode with networking, run the patch, but get the error ‘wgatray.exe not found’.. At the end when it says “You should see the following message appear: Validation Complete!”
    it opens IE and tries to validate, but the validation webpage has a ‘validate now’ button. I click it, it installs WGA, and the gives me the NOT VALIDATED page..

    What am I doing wrong?

  117. I can confirm this WGA remover works with Windows 7!

  118. This is a waste of my time… it does not work at all.

  119. When I first used this tool for Office 2003, it seemed to work fine. After a restart the WGA reappeared when I started Office. I ran the tool again and it appeared to work, but when I closed then restarted Office, the WGA reappeared.

    It does not seem to work for Office 2003 on XP sp3

  120. Thank’s it really works! Respect!!!

  121. 1234

  122. Absolutely fantastic!!! It worked like a charm. I spent days trying other solutions from so-called experts and they didn’t work. I spent 2 minutes trying your solution and hey-presto!!
    Tks a lot.

  123. for bernd, just FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS!!

  124. well, it only works for those who have internet connection


  125. fantastic patch!

    worked very good on my pc..

    thank you for sharing this in public. i have found a way to get rid of that WGA crap..

  126. dickbrain says:

    dickbrain here again… wow is all i can say. it actually works just like 98% of the posts above say. Hope i’m not speakin to soon tho and this shit turns out to be bunk. just seemed to damn easy. we’ll see what happens i guess. but for now- thanks a frign bunch!!!

  127. dickbrain says:

    is this shiz fo riz?

  128. This crap don’t even work. It patched okay but when I rebooted the WGA is still there and aint going away. I rebooted 8 times over the last 6 hours. STILL THERE!!! You guys are a bunch of shitbags whoever came up with this duped bullshit. Dont d/l it’s fake as fuck!

  129. plz tell me how to reboot my computer plzz

  130. This software worked like a charm, the only problem I had was that somehow after applying the ‘patch’, I couldn’t connect to the internet using my linksys wireless adapter. I simply rebooted my computer, and thank goodness now everything is working again.

  131. thanks that wga fix saved my day :)

  132. Samuel Adams says:

    Thanks! I am glad WGA works with Windows Vista and Windows 7 as well.

  133. Julian Evans says:

    Why not try our blog for finding out how to remove the WGA problem – where you don’t need to apply a patch..

  134. great!! this wga fix also worked with win7 :)


  136. hey thanks FixExe and mitch! the annoying shit is gone now!!! whooray!!! XD

  137. @Dongo from Hungary
    wga remover seemed to install successfully, but still unable to install sp 2. windows states I dont have a genuine copy installed.

  138. Great. Thanks for this post!

  139. While the WgaRemover did just that, when I go to windows updates and start to download updates a window appears telling me that update cannot be installed! Is this something built in to the setup wizard or have I missed some salient point?

  140. #71 Jer
    I had the same issue. I clicked “next” and then refused to accept the EULA. After pressing “next” again I was allowed to click cancel. Next time I booted it was gone.

  141. provider says:

    Guys who are reporting trojans or whatever viruses are totally newbies. You could know that every path, crack, keygen is false reported as a virus.

    WGA Remover works like a charm, and it’s not infected no matter some people might report so.

  142. let me revise my comment!!! trojan horse detected….. T_T

  143. wew atlast! something thats working. thanks so much! :)

  144. A great Utility,
    worked on the spot.

  145. sherlock says:

    this WGA remover really worked! i had it done in one try. thanks a lot!

  146. Will this work after windows advantage is installed?

  147. Did not work for me, WHY?

    i first tried to run in normal mode, then when the microsoft IE pops up, it says: “validation incomplete”, so i tried to run wgaremover in safe mode, and than the IE pops up is says “validation succesfull!” so, than i reBoot, but the Windows Genuine Message is still there :(

    anyone knows to fix this?

  148. thanx, it worked.
    Is my windows genuine now and can I now download softwares from microsoft’s websites?

  149. I was wary of this fix at first, but I had tried everything but deleting stuff out of my registry and I didn’t want to do that. It worked perfectly! Did not pop up an alert in my antivirus program either.

  150. Just installed SP3 & WGA notification nag appears at startup – but apparently WGA has NOT yet been installed.

    Best to permit WGA install & then run remover?

  151. This *!#@ WGA Notifier recently started showing up…but I HAVEN’T installed it & glad I didn’t, after reading the horror stories here! Instead, I’ve been clicking & X’ing out of it. And, as you folks know: the friendly but fiendish WGA notifier KEEPS COMING BACK, every time the computer is turned on — Asking to be installed; What should I, We Do to Stop this ? Is the Best advice — to choose “customize” install then uncheck WGA, as described by 3tripple (Above Posts #6 & 11)

    Or…is there a Better way to stop this Microsoft Harassment of it’s customers?

  152. i finally got it!
    after i ran the patch on safe mode, i tried to activate the fake product key then rebooted my laptop! WGA is out of sight!!! =)
    OMG! it really worked! thanks fixexe!

  153. what am i doing wrong?
    i still see the wga notification upon reboot.
    i did run the patch on safe mode.
    i don’t know where i went wrong.
    PLS HELP! =(

  154. Only WGA removal tool that actually worked!

  155. Same here, it works fine for me

  156. I made two attempts to get this to work…..thought I had it launching from Safe Mode….but still got the WGA screen upon reboot. Perhaps this is because I NEVER said ok to the initial frisking. Anyway I gave up and said ok to the check but then said I Do Not Agree to the terms and got a message that said the update would not be installed….rebooted and no more WGA prompt. This is great! And I hope I have no more invasions of my privacy.

  157. Dude u r a Star…it worked …Amazing…i was fuckin breaking my head about this since couple of months…Great work…thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much…

  158. OK, I found out how to do it!!! This is not described in the top section. For all of you who try the crack and after you run it it ses virus. This is what you do.

    1. Download crack.

    2. Reboot computer in safe mode. {by holding F8 on start up.)

    3. select your profile to log in-to. (the profile with the crack.)

    4. And then run the crack.

    5. It will get rid of BAD FILES and reboot on it’s own.

    GAME OVER – Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)!!!!! :)

  159. @TraceMe
    For most it worked perfect, for me and a couple of others it did not. It’s still there in my backround…..Taunting me. Trust me, I think I need step-by-step help to rid of this Demon. I know some others would be thank-ful as well. Thanks so much for your time!!! :)

  160. TraceMe says:


    You could simply read comments above you. It’s a false alarm as for any other crack or patch. Remover works fine with no issues.

  161. After unzip files and installing files., I got warning message about Trojan virus from AVG. It made the process stop. What do I do??? Please for the love of GOD help!!! :)

  162. robert says:


  163. thank you for this great wga removal tool!

  164. Thank you!

  165. thanks man
    really helped me

  166. @Paul

    Yes, you will be able to download and install all updates after you patch your Windows with WGA Remover.

  167. I have XP SP2 and WGA is not installed because auto updates is off. With this patch installed will I be able to download and instal all updates up to the present time?

  168. Hi man! You are great! Thank You very much! It works fine !

  169. Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!! worked without any issues. Thanks guys, I have been looking for ages but msn has removed links to this software. :(

  170. today i download window media player 11 from microsoft web site.when i try to install it .it demand validation.i accept it.but imy copy of window fail to pass validation test.i already install this program Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Remover.any body can tell me this happen.thanx

  171. It works no matter what service pack you have installed.

  172. Can you confirm whether it will work for SP2 and SP3 for those in doubt? Cheers.

  173. SuperWise says:


    WGA Remover should work no matter what was does Windows Genuine Advantage appear.

  174. Hello,

    Happen to pop by through wiki trying to solve my little prob. Lucky its not my Windows that has it but it does it with Microsoft office. I was wondering if this would work for that?

  175. I downloaded the WGA remover, but still don’t know how to use it. When I double click on WGA Remover, a box opens, then I don’t know what to do next.

    Please can someone guide me step by step in how to delete WGA from my pc. I really, really want to get rid of this nightware. I just cannot wait it to be gone forever.


  176. SuperWise says:


    WGA remover is free to use. You only need to extract the files before you can run removing tool.

  177. I just cannot wait to rid this WGA curse from my pc once and for all. But is this WGA remover free or do you have to pay for it?

    I downloaded it, but couldn’t run it.

    Please can someone help me get rid of this curse!!!

  178. I am so glad you published this remover. You saved me of much troubles this WGA caused!

  179. So amazing.. first wga remover that actually worked on my machine.

  180. casperkaan says:

    this work perfectly for me.thanks bro thank u very much.i am ur fan now.

  181. same here.. worked with no problem

  182. Thank you, the remover worked great! :p

  183. The link works ok:


    You might be having problem with download, because you are accessing translate page.

  184. The link doesn’t works !!!

  185. The link is not up on current. Can you refresh the link again?

  186. wga removed


  187. Vitaliano says:


    Boomer, it’s false alarm, because of a patch included. You have nothing to worry about, there is no virus or any malicious code.

  188. I tried it and the AGV came up with the Trjan warning as well. I am running Vista so I guess it is not compatible with that?

  189. @Rexxan

    I tried only on XP and worked.

  190. Is this for vista or xp? or both??

  191. TrueColor says:


    Try to run remover it in a safe mode.

  192. tandarts says:


    I tried to install the tool but everytime when I try to run the file windows gives me a error report and close the window.. (en wants me to send an error report to microsoft.. )

    Is there another way to get this tool working.

    (sorry for my bad English.. it is not my main language).

  193. thanks.. wga is gone

  194. easiest way to crack wga


  195. It’s annoying how much time you need to spend before you find a working fix.

    Thank you, and I really hope I won’t need to deal with WGA ever again.

  196. great! only tool that actually worked with latest windows genuine!

  197. Thank you @tester for positive feedback on this.

  198. FixExe, thanks a lot, this remover works well. After trying to install / unzip, I also got warning message about Trojan virus from AVG. It made the process stopped suddenly. After scan the unzip files and no virus found, I manually move the files into system32 folder in safe mode. I reboot again and finally WGA was removed!

  199. Andy Wevs says:

    This fix was a life safer, after reading all the manual ways there was no way I would have been able to do it. Many thanks to the founder / designer.

  200. @Vernon Johnson

    It’s probably false alarm, as for most patches or cracks. I ran this remover days I go, and it worked fine. WGA was removed after I rebooted.

  201. Unlike most of your writers here, when I try to install wga remover I also get a Trojan virus

  202. provider says:

    thank you so much.. I tried like 10 cracks and none of them worked!

  203. I managed to remove Windows Genuine Advantage within a minute.

    Thank you guys!

  204. @minimadlex

    I can assure it’s working as I have AVG installed, and didn’t report anything.


  205. minimadlex says:

    didnt work and every time i try and install it a trojan is found by AVG antivirus! Gutted!

  206. trouble-maker says:

    Only solution that actually worked.. annoying WGA is finally past thanks to this remover!

  207. hey cheers this really do work… i had tryed all the all the other ways of removing Windows Genuine crap from my pc awesome to finally fine something that works thanks heaps

  208. That WGA remover worked for me.. thanks!

  209. eXtention says:


  210. guru :
    Thanks, it worked! Now I am wondering if this is temporary or permanent fix?

    It’s permanent fix, unless you “re-install” Windows Genuine while updating the Windows.

    To avoid this, make sure you select “custom install”, and uncheck Windows Genuine Advantage as mentioned by 3tripple few posts above yours.

  211. Thanks, it worked! Now I am wondering if this is temporary or permanent fix?

  212. omg omg omg it worked!! thx a lot!!!

  213. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
    finally, thank you guys! thanks a lot.
    more powers. the BEST. (x

  214. So many sites with “solutions”, but this was the only one which actually worked.

  215. 3tripple says:

    w99t :
    Why would anyone want Windows Genuine Advantage installed? Too bad it comes when you try to update Windows.

    Well, you can choose “customize” then uncheck WGA, and you won’t have to remove it after.

    After all, thank you for the patch guys!

  216. Why would anyone want Windows Genuine Advantage installed? Too bad it comes when you try to update Windows.

  217. James D. T. says:

    witko :
    worked like a charm

    Exactly! I spent 30min on this issue… I am glad I’ve found solution

  218. worked like a charm

  219. This patch worked great! WGA is now finally removed

  220. Thank you for this great WGA remover patch! It’s easy to run, and what’s matter the most, it works!

    I tried many many ways to remove WGA from my PC, none of them worked.