Here is the ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) remover for those who are getting annoyed by the Windows Genuine Advantage popping up every few second.
You did install the latest updates recommended by Windows, now you get a message saying: this copy of Windows is not genuine, you may be victim of software counterfeiting.
To disable Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) once for all, simply download and install WGA remover.
Updated in August, 2012 – this version of WGA Remover is recommended for Windows7. But users say it also works on XP, Vista, 7 and even Windows 8.
WGA Remover 2012 for Windows7 (1.6 MiB, 3,395,314 downloads)
Password: fixexe
Once patch is installed, reboot the Windows.
Apparently, since i’ve used WGA remover I cannot access my BIOS. As I try, a sort of multiboot menu comes up where the only thing the works is going to a command line where rather than c I have grub> (hence, I suppose it’s WGA remover-related). Any idea?
I try to remove WGA thru Compaq CQ40-131TU Win7 Ultimate. The process completed and restart but WGA still there. Besides, there no option for Manufacture Name Compaq except HP, then I only use HP Manufacture to remove it. Please help. Thanks
I tried the application but the install and uninstall buttons remain greyed out so it will not install. At the top of the window it says “unsupported OS information” I read all the messages saying it works so it must be something I am doing wrong. Need some help!
It working well in my win7 ultimate
The WGA patch is excellent. I tried it in few computers and it works great. It gives me a chance to use microsoft updates
Thanks for the sharing… God bless you…
keys for registration of registry cleaner plz thx
it works..thanks!
How to solve this problem?
It is showing that it is unsupported
WOW! For a second i thought i have to reformat everything and reinstall my windows 7. your a lifesaver man, kudos.
follow my directions they work for any computer and you dont need to down load anything.
it’s not working on windows 7 .x
Hey guys.. I can’t fix the problem .x
I ran the program but I didn’t downloaded the full version of it .x
Is it really necessary?
It did not work on my lenovo laptop with win 7 ultimate and I tried registry clean too. Any suggestions plz?
t on my win 7 ultimate in Lenovo laptop and I still get WGA obnoxious message
worked perfect after hours of trying everything else
Tried it on Windows 7… didn’t work!
hi i had no luck with using this remover because i couldn’t click either uninstall or install but i did get rid of it by going to computer-C-Windows-system32 then look for a file WAT or somthing keep your eyes peeled it took me like 20 mins of looking for it to find it. then right click on the file go to properties-security-advanced-owner-edit. then change it to administration or your account or whatever but it has to be your account name. apply those settings then close advanced and in the original properties-security page click edit then click the account you selected before and click full control. then close all of the properties pages and delete the whole WAT file. sorry if thats extremely complicated but it works.
it works great…thank u
why i do windows 7 gannu remover?
Hmmm, it defaulted back to the Dell Ultimate Key, etc…
Having problems with validation:
Dell Precision 390. (orig version was XP Pro)
I’m still trying other things i.e. ACER, Alienware, selections, etc.
Any help is appreciated.
thank you this 100% works :)
Works great… virus. Nothing……
thanks for your help..
visit me at
Works great vith sp1 W7 Ultimate, i just falov the steps…
Thank you
susucessfully installed sp1 w7 ultimate.tnx!
tnx! hope its not trojan
when i run the loader,a small dialog box containing my sys info and the options containing install and uninstall options appeared,but i am not able to click on any one..this is for “WGA remover 2010 for windows 7” i tried the other one,that is the one above this one..i ran that and validated my windows online(Although i don’t think the validation was completed completely),and then rebooted..after that,15 min’s are passed,neither i got any notification for genuine windows nor to validate it..but before applying these cracks,i have installed many more like removeWAT 2.2,removeWGA and many more,i even deleted some files from my i m not sure which of these worked for me…
so if anyone thinks i need to do something more,besides these,please tell..
and how can i know that my windows version is now genuine..any help regarding this will be hugely OS is windows 7 ultimate(32 bit)..
Thank you some much . I tried for windows 7 and it’s worked properly.. Thank’s a lot again
i dont understand why, but this application doesn’t work on my loptop.. i’ve tried easy registry too, but still nothing.. i am dissapinted.
I then decided i was probably a noob re read the whole thread and now its 100% perfect. It even thinks its genuine now! amazing download thanks so much. is there a way to donate a few bucks?!
Maybe i spoke to soon after about 45 minutes i got the dreaded messge again:(
Seems to work for me. Ive had this wga problem for ever 1 year and i get the message every 15 mins which cancelled full screen on videos which was really annoying. Im about 30 minutes in no message so far. No virus or trojan detected either. I still have the black background saying my windows is not genuine but as i said no annoying message that pops up over videos so far
This WGA remover, scanned clean with AVG Basic Free version However it is a trogan …………. Feb 2011.
When I tried to install it, Adaware by Lavasoft, popped up and blocked it thank goodness, and gave web links to read about this nasty little Trojan.
Well, I have done installing the loader, it didn’t work eventually, I’m using windows 7, I restarted my PC, it didn’t work properly.
What should I do now, do I need to reboot the windows though?
winxp repaired! THANK YOU!!
Well, i’ll be damn, it works! No more annoying wga screen every few minutes. I simply followed directions above. (I am running Win Ultimate ver 6.1 build 7600).
Also, any update spyware etc via windows update I have turned off.
I would recommend doing that.
Reading above, I don’t believe I will try SP1, since my system is fairly stable until someone comes up with one that works thru SP1. Btw, I would like to hear some more people report whether or not they have had luck with it with SP1.
Also, as someone mentioned above I do not get the confirmation of legal windows (in #6 above) and also get taken to another spam by Microsoft for enhancement software to legal copies.
BUT, I no longer have the WGA dialog either.
It was very annoying as Chew did not work or any other patches that are out there. Till this one, listed above
>>Updated in May, 2010 – this version of WGA Remover is recommended for Windows7 users.
WGA Remover 2010 for Windows 7 (1.3 MiB, 394,496 downloads)
Jim K. former Microsoft Engineer.
This doesn’t work for the latest WGA released through Windows 7 SP1. Any advice, please?
TQ Grizzly 907 i just dont know to reformat the hardisk or waiting for the help. Thanks for your help.
They put out a new version of WGA along with the new service pack release. I would go to Linux in a hot minute but a couple of things bar me from that. One my g11 kb doesn’t work with linux and I can’t install City of Heroes or DCUO on a linux box. Ong give a month or two and some enterprising cracker will come with another bypass. The reason why people have to crack the wga is because Windows charges a premium for its operating system. I would have no problem paying a $100 for windows ultimate, however they want 200 something for it and that is out of the grasp of most people.
my window ultimate 7(is not a genuine activation and i had try many remover and still not work)…now is geeting more problem. internet explorer now is not working also. please help.
i cant take of my wga thingy
help i have a lenovo cpu but i tried it and it didnt work
my windows7 ultimate after install the wga removal. i can see the install and uninstall but there is no way for me to click install or unintall. please help. tqvm
Didn’t worked after i clicked on windows activation link it redirected me to “buy windows” screen.
tnx dude!!!
do we need to do back up for all of our files before download the remover ?
first i did’nt belived it, but it really solved my problem now my win 7 ultimate works like charm. if anybody having problem in installing u can contact me for help. thank you WGA romover
first i did’nt belived it, but it really solved my problem now my win 7 ultimate work like charm. if anybody having problem in installing u can contact me for help. thank you WGA romover
this really works..i am using windows 7 ultimate..thank you very much..
i have windows 7 but in every 20 days i get msg about ask the windows 7 is not genuine…resolve by online wat to do now
i have a windows 7 x32 and i didnt work :( . What can i do now ?
Seriously, I did no believe it would work, however I was really surprised that it did
Thanks a lot!
tnank u guys. second time when i tried to run this software it worked for me and only WGA Remover (1.0 MiB, 212,700 downloads) this is working for me as iam using a 64bit windos 7 ulimate in my system. Again thanks a lot……………………………
iam sorry to say that both the soft wares are not working for me. Iam using windos 7 ulimate and i could not make my windows genuine.
Hello!!! Problem Windows Genuine is solve ready… Thanks alot..
it’s work !!!i have lenovo and win7ultimate and its work !!see for your set up!!i run from couple days and work!!but some time when i download some program or run genuine is there ,after restart it’s work again!
if you are not hacker then you are wizard !!thank you man it’s work !!!
I downloaded for windows 7 and the zipped files are:
windows loader
visit discussion on WGA REMOVER
i ran the application, reboot, put the key for ultimate/7/acer but still says is not genuine?
Am i doing something wring?
it does not work on lenovo laptop on window7
THX a Lot! :))))))))))))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesent worked on win 7 ultimate (x86) !!! please help :(
it s great dera thanks a lot of
i forgot to crack the windows…
and i used it for 5 days… i updated wndows online :(
then its showing that.. the windows 7 is not genuine…
so pls help to crack windows 7…. i tried this… but was unsuccesful
not a scam
Plz send wga remover for winodws7
i tried to many ways but it is not working plz send crack link
Hey guys it really worked on my computer (WGA Remover 2010 for Windows 7)
Work for me most excellently! 1000 thanks! but one question before I go:
Will updating microsofts malicious software remover screw things up again for me?
Seriously, I did no believe it would work, however I was really surprised that it did
Thanks a lot!
I have Lenovo laptop and WGA_Remover does not work. I cant change windows key, it wont let me. Any1 have the same problem? Help, please!
Thank you :)
Thank You It Really Worked Well
no lo descargue
I have a problem, I can´t install or uninstall it! I am unable to click on it…
help please
Thank You It Really Worked Well
its realy work with my win-7 ultimate
I downloaded this twice…. can’t get it to unzip. What am I doing wrong? Error message says either the file is corrupt or multi-part
Man, that works!
this worked!! thank you!!
To all those who think this doesn’t work, you’re not following the instructions: Here’s what to do.
Download the programme and unzip it, click the read me file and look at the instructions, which are:
1. Open programme and click “uninstall” button. Allow Windows to Reboot.
2. After rebooting, open programme and click “install” button. Allow windows to reboot. At this point you are only part way there and you will still see the genuine advantage notifications
3. Connect to the internet, type “activate” into windows start bar.
4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.
5. You may receive a notification that microsoft needs to install software to verify your system. Allow the software to download and run that software.
6. The next window in the browser will inform you that your software is genuine.
7. Reset your desktop background and go back to windows update to install all the latest updates.
tnx a lot! it is really2 great!..:-) God bless!
it worked nicely on my win7
10x. it work just fine
Awesome man…it worked. unlike other so called patch,fix and gimmicks this is real stuff. Thanks a TON…
Thescrybe! You should go to the MS site and go through the steps requered by them…
Hi… Thanks… worked for me. Nice work guyz
Hey this software is really wonderful.. it removed wga in minutes..
but i have a doubt.. will the wga trouble me again?
Works like a charm. Disable your antivirus. Install the application. You’ll receive a prompt to restart. Do so. After reboot, type “Activate” into the Windows Start Search box and press Enter. Voila!! Freedom!!
hmmm…vipre also reports this as a trojan, but there does seem to be a lot of happy customers here???
Installed successfully but Win7 is still saying my copy is not genuine. Please help
hey plzzzzz yrrr i dont know how to install it i’ll be thankfull to him who tll mee
hey can any one tell how to install it
please help!!!!!!!
It seems to have worked on my windows 7 ultimate though the message on my desk top is still there and every time i click on control panel a window pops up to notify me that my copy is not genuine………….please help……really don’t know what to do, thanx.
whoever wrote this programme deserves a Nobel prize. Genius. I commend thee
Brilliant. Worked with Windows 7. Just installed with defaults, restarted, got the stupid WGA message again, went to this website: and it was gone. Thanks!
It really works ON WINDOWS 7!I’m enjoying my new desktop
shortly after clicking install i get the message: Certificate wasn’t successfully installed .. i’ve tried everything on the net but nothing seems to work.. can someone in here have the same problem, and a solution to it?
How to reboot?
i can’t use it
I just did this. It automatically rebooted (the program told me that I was about to log off) after the install. After the reboot there wasn’t a sign that the program was installed, but wasn’t a sign of WGA window either.
Every time I see it it’s after a while my PC is open and not when I boot my PC. When I installed Windows 7 Ultimate a few days ago, I did the crack but I also did the Remove WAT thing. But unfortunately after some days I installed WGA without knowing what was it. Dind’t check the time it blew into my laptop. So is Remove WAT with the WGA thing or did I do something totally different now that is going to take away WGA? Did my installation progres go well or I should have seen different messages before and after the reboot?
Thanks a lot. Waiting for replies.
this works fine for XP and Win7..thanks FixExe..great..great..
This patch worked for me on windows 7 ultimate today, Many many thanks
The last update from Charrizard was right on the money – Thanks for this additional tip.
Thank you so much. I had the same problem, but this software solved it miraculously.
ow my god it is now working!!
and i can now install .net framework, thx really thx!!!
For those who feel like they’re missing steps because you’re still getting ‘Windows is not genuine’ popups, please read.
Install this product and reboot.
Validate your copy of Windows on the MS website.. requires a tiny install but don’t worry.
Check check 1-2-3 and whatcha know, all those notifications go away. Really. Try it.
Fixed my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit perfectly, screw you microshite
Nice Work
this doesn’t work with me…. does any body got any other solutions.
it doesn’t work with me :(
on win7
yes, it works. thank u. i bought genuine cd b4 but still notifies me that my cd is not genuine. How come? i called microsoft, its very hard to contact. im tired dialling coz operator was only answering. thank you wga removed.
works on my windows 7 ultimate,
thnxxxxxxx a lot!
happy new year to all
Thanks a lot
thanx windows 7 ultimate thanx
Can I ask how to use this correctly, cause I installed it and restart my computer and nothing happens. still the same.
can I ask for a help. mine is windows 7 ultimate 7600 too.
hope you help. thanks.
works on my windows 7 ultimate,
thanx a lot!
for winxp don’t work anymore
Good job man! Worked for 7 x64.
just found today, WGA Remover 2010 for Windows 7
it worked for me on 7 Ultimate x64. Thanks
wow it worked! thank u
its working great now, no problems
Thanks Fixexe
7 Ultimate x64
I have win 7 x64, and this patch worked :)
but after login it shows a window with “windows is not genuine”
but when i cancel it nothing appears after that
i m using windows 7 how is remove genuine?
thank you very very very much for this help
I think you should quote this message in the main post because at first I thought your loader didn’t work for my windows 7 ultimate as many others seemingly also thought. But after doing the check on it did pass the validation check and all annoying messages have been removed!
not workingfor win7 ultimate. pl help
hi there this tool is great it looks like a charm. my operating system is windows 7 ultimate build 7600
this is what i did to remove the genuine notification of windows7
i download and install the WGA remover like others does and then i validate it to windows corporation here’s the link
after the installation of the validation patch the notification will disappear now for future safety for my pc i disable the automatic updates … sorry for poor english
hi there, i downloaded this file, and then 1st i installed, then i uninstalled, then i installed back again, but then it seem can work on my cpu which operate win 7 ultimate.
it still show the notification when logon windows and also show the wording at the bottom of the desktop.
i check on the file, it seem that the key don’t have the one that i use.
can anyone help me please.
appreciate a lot.
I installed the patch on Win7 Ultimate (7600) a couple of month ago and it worked till yesterday! Now after uninstalling I am unable to reinstall. What gives???
Thanks! After weeks of annoying reading a stupid warning that the OS is a pirate one, this patch eliminate this and my notebook is normal now.
I just tried it and it works properly on my Windows 7 Ultimate!!
Hi, I tried it and the Windows Genuine balloon still showed up upon start-up D:
This is Great for removing the notification
it is not working
yeah, why does it not work on Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7600)?
To a moderator:
I think you should quote this message in the main post because at first I thought your loader didn’t work for my windows 7 ultimate(build 7600) as many others seemingly also thought. But after doing the check on it did pass the validation check and all annoying messages have been removed!
Thanks allot for the help!
Did not work on Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7600)
this is a senior ware.thanks alot
Thanks! This worked perfectly!
God bless you! <3
it worked for me… I use Windows 7 x64!!
thank you so much!!! this is only wga tool that works :p
works like a charm! thanks!
nice,,, like it..
Thanks a lot… greetings from Croatia!
Thanks a lot…god bless you,more power to your site….
omg omg omg, thanx guys…
when I open this program got a little text on top “uninstall other cracks first” Can someone please help me.
not worked for windows 7 ultimate :(
not worked for windows 7 ultimate :(
Friends I Tried 2nd Option i.e WGA Remover 2010 for Windows 7 and It worked greately. Excellent and thanks for sharing.
Hey, this is not working for me, though i am not sure i am installing it correctly, i run the ‘windows loader’ application fill in my system specs and click install, i then restart but i still get the ‘this may not be a genuine windows’ message at start up, am i doing something wrong?
My recollection is that W.G.A. is somehow connected or required for Microsoft’s automatic Critical Updates function to work.
Does implementing this remover prevent automatic retrieving of Microsoft’s fixes / patches for Windows 7?
Just stopped working today on W7 x64
it still works on 32bits Windows 7 ultimate!! great job ~ bro !!!
in my window7 7600 works 100%
nice thx
Super, works!!!
mm managed to get close to where I was using Ubuntu Livi + rescatux + win recovercd.
I’d still like to hear any input on what went wrong as I will come to need this fix again, and by the way, thanks alot for the work you’re doing!
Let me know if I can help out with any audio/visual design :)
I might need a little help here… I run a dualboot win7/ubuntu setup and after I installed the remover nothing would boot in any of the ways offered by the loader screen..
After a while I managed to get my Ubuntuinstall working again by reinstalling grub ( sudo grub-install –root- directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda worked last time my bootsectors got screwed, this time I had to replace “mnt” with the location given by the ubuntu shell mount as I could not mount it to mnt for some reason.
I am very new to Ubuntu and this kind of “playing around”, alas I am in a pinch now..
When I installed the the wgaremoval loader I chose the options that seemed the most logical. On the first tab I changed everything to Lenovo as I am using a t61. In the other tab I checked the option that spoke about ubuntu on mouseover..
When I installed the Win7 a while back I used another loader to fix it but after my recent ubuntu install it seemed to had stopped working (gave med the desktop watermark text, nothing else)
I don’t know what caused this issue, the old loader, my dualbootsetup or the new wgaremover itself…
I have my data on other partitions so I am moderately safe but I would still love to avoid a win reinstall
Another odd thing, when booting in ubuntu the win partition auto mounts, but in trying to unmount I now get “Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
umount: only root can unmount /dev/sda2 from /media/sda2” I am a confused nuub in WAYYYYY over his little head :)
why it is not working??
A few times activated successfully. However, window could not start. Something happened?
There is no need to donate.
I am more than happy that wga solution worked for you!
If you recommend this wga remover to your friend I will be satisfied.
Thanks a milli, anyway i can donate?
Thank you very much.
It work on Win 7 Pro, Win 7 Ultimate
But does not work on Win 7 Enterprise
It’s perfectly working on my computer !!
I use windows 7 32bit :D
its not working in my laptop…. the problem still pestering me.. asking me to get a genuine one..
this works thanx Support
If you still see in the right-bottom: Windows 7 Build 7600 this copy of windows is not genuine after rebooting Windows.
Make sure you validate your Windows copy by visiting this site:
Make sure you have applied the WGA Remover patch before!
thanks, it has best work.
Super, thank You!
Hello people, I need help here:
I used this program and in fact it solved the problem I had with win 7 ultimate in another computer I have.
My problem is that in this pc the program didn’t work. I guess it’s because I tried another solutions before (win 7 loader extreme 3.5.3 I guess and others) and they didn’t work.
Now when I open this program got a little text on top “uninstall other cracks first” (even in safe mode) :S I don’t know how to solve my problem and when I restart my pc I got an option to choose which system I want to start, win 7 ultimate (the normal) or win 7 loader x e .
I’m a bit noob, can anyone help me fixing these problems to remove the wga problem? Got the microsoft security essential for 12 more days, you can send solutions for the e-mail. Thanks!
Helloo again , i must say is working for me this activator , for those who don’t know I must say : Open program as Administrator (right click of mouse )….the soft will open choose from the list the type of computer you have , cos every single motherboard has a different serial key , whait to appear that window with RESTART button….reboot and check the activation on control panel >>>SYSTEM>>>you will in right side of screen that Genuine logo……;D Good luck …..The key will work fine if you don”t install updates from Microsoft!!!! (This soft is scanned with AVIRA PREMIUM 10 AND IS NOT A VIRUS OR MALWARE >>>FALSE POSITIVE!!!!
Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit, v 6.1 (build 7600) working, even with that update, just run Uninstall, restart, install, restart and then visit the link in the info file ( to revalidate.
It will work for ever as long as u turn off auto update. U can manually choose what update to install, and as long as u don’t install anything with wga u will be fine!
When u download it click save. Then unzipped the file, when u click the unzipped folder it will open 4 new items to choose. The first item is instructions, the last item is the part you want to run. If you do what the instructions say it will for sure work.
Hi i had downloaded the windows 7 wga but it aint working it says the folder contains no file please tell me what to do and how to get rid of this wga
its working properly but some would please tell me for how many days it will work?
This doesn’t work with windows 7 build 7600
in response to me trying every way to run this. i guess the only thing i did not try was reading the instructions. after i tried that it worked perfectly! no more black screen!!!! no more pop ups!!! thank u so much for this tool!!!!!!
i can not get this to work for me! i tried every way i can think of to run the program and nothing works!
TQ man… its work for me (win7 ultimate). For those who failed to remove wga, pls select uninstall first, reboot pc then choose install. It should work!!
Worked perfect. Does anyone know now that I turned WGA off it keeps my Microsoft office is protected from this annoying not genuine message.
doesn’t work on Windows 7 Enterprize (x64) and the Loader v1.8 would not run.
It shows an “unsupported OS”.
Please help me on this
Hello i must say Thanks!!! for the patch is working fine ,but it left me with that dark screen that was blocked before lookin for this patch ….. do you have some ideeas why my wallpapers is not the last one?
This fix is AWESOME!
Win 7 Ult (32bit) clean install got the WGA after 1 day..this easily repaired it.
Thank you!
Sorry is not working to removed the genuine heelp!
They repeated all the time , if i using the key code , all my chargin card will be empty always.
Why you build the genuine ?
My laptop is Compaq the real browser of hp and before i have windows vista and my browser try to help me wis a removed and still not working
Wend i change my windows vista into windows 7,the genuine will never go away his still make me sades that my picture on my window are removed from my desktop because of genuine please help
The genuine don’t stop repeated everyday and i’m tied to putted x everyday…i’m crying …
Thank you so much. This patch worked for me and Windows7 x64 is now activated!!
This wga patch works great thanks a lot man!!
Thank you. It works fine on my HP laptop with win7 ultimate.
Thank you. It works fine on my HP laptop with win7 ultimate.
Thank u, for all.
awesome!! works like a charm :)
People, you got to unzip the archive before it works!
Damn, some of you should buy an Apple..
Check Tima’s post! It worked like a dream in less than a minute om Windows 7 Ultimate! You are the best!
Brilliant Tima! It worked in less than a minute!
Start loader – > uninstall… -> restart.
Start loader – > install….. -> restart.
heyy! working so fine!!! thx!!! ;)
not working here…please help
it works like magic, thanx for this patch….
Hi! My friend has TOSHIBA laptop and windows 7 Ultimate. We have problems with Genuine and i can’t remove it… because TOSHIBA serial is not listed for Windows 7 Ultimate!! Any solution? some 1?
Didn`t work for me at all… :-(
This Program can Try with Desktop Computer?with no brand…
Ok my fault. It works. I was putting the wrong key and didnt find the link to activate. Perfect and smooth! Thanks guys.
doesnt work on windows 7 ultimate. tried both patches.
Thanks goodness for this! It worked out just how its simply explained in Details.txt . Running my Win 7 Ultimate immaculately!
It also works for me, thanks a lot…
i’m using window 7 ultimate 32 bit…
Thanks a lot. it working for me too!:D
Merci from France !
Worked like a charm! I love you! =D
Man this thing works like a charm…….its a wonderful thing…….am envious and want to learn how to do this thing……….btw thanks a lot
You are awsom man!!
thanx lot n lot..
great job….
u made it like a miracle..