Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Remover

Here is the ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) remover for those who are getting annoyed by the Windows Genuine Advantage popping up every few second.

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)

You did install the latest updates recommended by Windows, now you get a message saying: this copy of Windows is not genuine, you may be victim of software counterfeiting.

To disable Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) once for all, simply download and install WGA remover.

Updated in August, 2012 – this version of WGA Remover is recommended for Windows7. But users say it also works on XP, Vista, 7 and even Windows 8.
download  WGA Remover 2012 for Windows7 (1.6 MiB, 3,395,314 downloads)

Password: fixexe

Once patch is installed, reboot the Windows.


  1. fuck off we asked for windows 7 but u have provided windows XP

  2. Anonymous says:

    it worked first time in xp 32bit prof

    nice work

  3. not worked on windows7

  4. pratik patel says:

    not able to open the WGA_Remover_2011 for windows 7..After download the zip file i am not able to open the zip file…plz help for the same.

  5. not able to open the WGA_Remover_2011 for windows 7..After download the zip file i am not able to open the zip file…plz help for the same.

  6. This works….. WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7

  7. Kapil Trivedi says:

    The zip file is corrupt

  8. Michael Rubin says:

    Unexpected end of archive. Is it terminated, outdated or a hoax?

  9. Dear

    It is not work

  10. Anonymous says:

    it didnt work

  11. Worked just as described for me on Windows 7 Ultimate.

  12. I have the problem that i cannot klick either “install” or “uninstall”
    I am running 64-bit windows 7 ultimate.

    This “windows not genuine” shuts down almost every application on my computer, my network status sais Unknown, my sound sais “The audio service is not running”
    It changed to another theme (windows classic or smthing) and wont let me change back, I cant use my computer for anything ^^

    Would be nice if anyone found a fix for this.

  13. I am running 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate and it installs great but even though it says it was successful, I restart and still no change on the Genuine notification. I also have run and repaired the Registry Easy app as well still no difference.

  14. Thank you so much! it quite work for me now! PROBLEM SOLVE! love you so much!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I was able to download and run WGA Remover, but i’m on Windows 7 Ultimate. and WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7 is empty whenever i try to extract it. pls help.

  16. Vili CRO says:

    To kod mene ne radi. Imam Win7 ultimate x64 servis pack 1 build 7601 i već sam 4 puta pokretao remover i restartao računalo no problem s wga je ostao!!! trebam savjet što da učinim!!!

  17. this app ruined my pc it never started up again
    i had to format
    and lost 2 hours of my time because of your stupid soft

  18. Dosent work for me windows 7 plz help !!

  19. compjunkie says:

    application worked 100% Thank You

  20. Anonymous says:

    mine says “modified – remove other cracks” but i don’t know how.. help?

  21. It works for me 2-3-4 Yipeeeeee

  22. Anonymous says:

    It works…yeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  23. it worked for me .. thanks :)

  24. not work it

  25. Wow. After I uninstalled/removed all other cracks and follow the instructions in commant #402 it really worked.
    Windows 7 ultimate SP1 build 7601 64bit swedish.

  26. omg. I used this and my laptop wasnt starting! Please help me! Btw mine is windows 7 build 7600

  27. This isn’t working for me.any way out?

  28. It cannot be opened

  29. Works well, thanks for the application

  30. This stuff works; have tried many windows loaders claiming to work, but nothing. My program is Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and I was losing faith in restoring Windows. Latest patch of WGA 2011 for Windows 7 is the real deal!!!!!! Good ting real hard to find. Thanks again.

  31. WGA Remover 2011 dla Windows 7 działa i nie gadajcie głupot mozecie do mnie napisac jak chcecie instruktażu pozdrawiam

  32. Jatimukah says:

    TQ.. marvelous

  33. thanks this totally worked, after restarting i just had to restart again and nothing came up and i had my own background and no alerts!thanks alot!

  34. help please
    after running the RemoveWGA v1.2, I get this message:
    Unabel to find your Winlogon.exe process. Please check that no other security program is preventing RemoveWGA from accessing your processes.”

    what should I do?
    thank :)

  35. Ulstersam says:

    I can’t get it to work on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit regardless of what I try.

  36. Anonymous says:

    You suck

  37. Anonymous says:

    it does so not work!!

  38. Erivan Lima says:

    valeu por este programa

  39. Vishal Sharma says:

    Do it work with Windows 7 ultimate,or i may not Harm any of the files installed in my computer?

  40. Worked perfectly on one of my computers, however with the one I reinstalled 2 days ago it does not work… any advice?

  41. noel olivar says:

    veryy effective

  42. Thanx a million!!
    Worked like a bomb

  43. Anonymous says:

    what about windows 7, does it work

  44. It’s worked..!!
    Thank you full..!!

  45. Thank you !
    Worked perfectly.

  46. bernd :
    This crap don’t even work. It patched okay but when I rebooted the WGA is still there and aint going away. I rebooted 8 times over the last 6 hours. STILL THERE!!! You guys are a bunch of shitbags whoever came up with this duped bullshit. Dont d/l it’s fake as fuck!

    Have u try ‘Bobthebob’ way of suggestion?
    i have solved 4 pc ( including mine )regarding WGA problem
    by following his instruction and u should do the samething too…
    read and understand…TANX to the 1 who gave this superb solution
    and tanx to Bobthebob for his excellent instruction

  47. great tool, works like a charm, :)

  48. I had run the loader last time, the windows genuine problem came Uninstall and Install buttons doesn’t work…pls help

  49. WOW~TQ SO MUCH i like it :’)

  50. annette says:

    it did work!!!! first thing i did when i was done rebooting after installing the unzipped file was to check my pc properties and there, it says my windows 7 ultimate is “activated”….i’m just hoping it stays ….thanks heaps!!!!

  51. Did not work for me so i tried it again and now my computer wont start!

  52. Works a treat! Just follow the instructions in comment 402. Dont forget where the unzipped application is so that you can run it a second time, after the first reboot. Thank you very much.

  53. WOW….It really works!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. did not work for me…

  55. it works. thank you very much.

  56. Funnily enough, ive downloaded it and it doesnt work

    win 7 ultimate sp1

  57. Same problem here, Uninstall and Install buttons doesn’t work…pls help

  58. I Cant Download It.. As I Cant click on Uninstall or Install button.. : /
    I had run the loader last time.. but then again when i downloaded service pack 1.. the windows genuine problem came.. plz Suggest me what to do..

  59. Michael says:

    Many thanx, I used the remover recommended for WIN7 and it worked. I had to reboot one more time than suggested, but it worked afterwards perfectly. Thanx a lot :)

  60. For me works, win 7 pro 64 bit. Hope it will be permanent, not for 2 or maybe 3 weeks

  61. Supporty says:

    How about you read original post then ask dumb questions.

  62. How do you use this :?

  63. worked fine on win 7 ultimate build 7600…
    when updating to sp1, now it’s build 7601,
    and when trying to run the fix, the install/uninstall buttons are not accessible..

    oh, what to do?

  64. Cornelius says:

    Thanking you.
    I just downloaded and installed. Worked like a charm. I did however tried the first download that didn’t work for my win7. The second one worked.

  65. Finally got it to work, Windows 7 Ultimate 7601

    1, Open Windows Loader.exe by right clicking and selecting Run as Admin.
    2. Select your profile that matches your motherboard in my case i selected all asus.
    3.Press uninstall. Don’t worry about the error that pops up if you get one.
    4. Shutdown the PC
    5.Boot PC back into windows.
    6. Open windows loader run as admin
    7. Press Install.
    8. Shutdown/Reboot PC
    9.go to http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/validate install the software if you have to.
    10. Should say welcome to windows.

    this website is also the fix, I also remembered some while ago I disabled WAT which I had to restore using RemoveWAT. So I suggest you all check the permission on that file.

  66. @Maja

    Remember to UNINSTALL FIRST!!!!!

    To all those who think this doesn’t work, you’re not following the instructions: Here’s what to do.
    Download the program and unzip it, click the read me file and look at the instructions, which are:
    1. Open program and click “uninstall” button. Allow Windows to Reboot.
    2. After rebooting, open tool and click “install” button. Allow windows to reboot. At this point you are only part way there and you will still see the genuine advantage notifications
    3. Connect to the internet, type “activate” into windows start bar.
    4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.
    5. You may receive a notification that Microsoft needs to install software to verify your system. Allow the software to download and run that software.
    6. The next window in the browser will inform you that your software is genuine.
    7. Reset your desktop background and go back to windows update to install all the latest updates.

  67. Same problem as jimis

  68. sor pisey says:

    thanks you

  69. Still not working after reboot..Y eh?

  70. Anonymous says:

    Great..Tried for Build 7601 and its working ..Yipieeeeee :)

  71. Anonymous says:

    not working for build 7601 ;(

  72. Didnt work for me :(

  73. @ Anonimous : I know, but like you said. How can I even start the procedure when the uninstall AND the install button doesn’t allow me to press it( it’s grey out, so even if you press, there’s nothing that happen)? Maybe we have to remove the other crack but if we don’t have any? or if we have them, how to know where they are? Which file to remove?
    @ Adiel: It should work for every windows 7 with the WGA remover win 7 2011… but for some, we got some prob. ):

  74. is this crack work for all windows 7 including ultimate or just for some version only??

  75. Anonimous says:

    Got Windows 7 home premium (windows 7 build 7601 not genuine copy). I followed these instructions and worked fine. I have not updated anything yet though.

    1. Open programme and click “uninstall” button. Allow Windows to Reboot.
    2. After rebooting, open programme and click “install” button. Allow windows to reboot. At this point you are only part way there and you will still see the genuine advantage notifications
    3. Connect to the internet, type “activate” into windows start bar.
    4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.
    5. You may receive a notification that microsoft needs to install software to verify your system. Allow the software to download and run that software.
    6. The next window in the browser will inform you that your software is genuine.
    7. Reset your desktop background and go back to windows update to install all the latest updates. “

    Good luck

  76. I am having the same problem as Jimis as well!

  77. huh.. I forget to mention.. I have windows 7 ultimate x64

  78. I have the same problem as Jimis…. Anyone can help us please??

  79. I Installed the patch on windows 7 ultimate x64 on a Toshiba laptop and rebooted but nothing changed.. Any clue ?!

  80. Guys I have a problem. I have windows 7 professional N. I load the windows loader but it doesnt allow me to press install or unistall button. I think this is cuz the status is: Modified – Unistall other cracks. But i havent installed any other crack. THis is the first one i tried to use. THen i tried to search the net for a solution but i didnt find any. ANy help?

  81. man its so helpful. thank you very much for the solution.

  82. Thanks guys – top solution, any of you spackers who can’t get it to work shouldn’t be using a computer.

  83. Manikandan says:

    Wow! It is really very helpful. Lot of Thanks.

  84. I directly clicked on install and restarted and my win7 installation is not booting and the system goes into the recovery mode on the system partition of 32 mb where I cannot repair or boot anything. pleas help. i cant restore it also .. gives a system error

  85. Thank´s for this nice programme

  86. OMG it totally worked within a few minutes! This is very awesome.

  87. Gotscrewedonebay says:

    I bought a copy of windows 7 Pro on ebay, today I started getting the WGA popup and desktop banner. I’ve been downloading crap all day, this is the only software that worked. Thank you!!

  88. dude,i downloaded the WGA remover for windows 7,extracted it but wen i reboot my pc,the WGA thingy on the bottom ryt of my pc is still there..nothing happened >.< help?

  89. slymon95 says:

    I extracted all to my desktop, ran the .exe, clicked install, got a success window, clicked restart. Yet after I reboot, I get the annoying window and my wallpaper is black with the watermark…help?

  90. Well what can i say i scanned it on Virustotal and nothing found, anyone can try, has no Virus and is working. I am not a fake guy who posted, really I’m a guy, and it’s working. WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7 has no virus. You can try your self to scan. Thanks.

  91. Bronthoterium says:

    buttons “uninstall” and “install” are greyed out and can’t click em when I run this .. any ideas?

  92. Bronthoterium says:

    nothing happens when I try to start this….

  93. binbonkh says:

    Thanks a lot but it was not worked on the Win7 Utimate 64 bits by I have deleted the Notify (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Windows NT>Current Version>Win Logon>Notify) before applied this installation.

  94. kya baap!!!ye to kuch bhi ni arela boss………:<)

  95. It’s work…
    nice work FIXEXE GROUP…

    even super noob can make it…




  97. Thank U….

  98. happy andrew says:

    I can confirm it works well. If you can’t this patch work make sure you read previously posted comments ;)

  99. my os says windows in not genuine n got black screen on desktop. I downloaded it and run it didnt work on my computer . Give me some solution please…

  100. gr8888….works gr8…(for now,dont know how long will this stay)

    for all those who complained both install and uninstall are not highlighted just restart and try again…it worked for me…

    do all like in instructions…will surely work for win 7 ultimate …

  101. Thank you so much. It just vanished my Windows problem in one go..

  102. Works like a charm! thanks man!!! by the way… I use AVG antivirus and it didn’t warn anything. Good luck guys!

  103. thanks a lot bobthebob.. also registry easy found many problems so i am going to fix them

  104. hey everyone,,, it doesnt work for my compaq 510 32-bit os,,,i have win 7 ultimate on my computer,,, i just wana get over this notification…pleaseeeeeeee

  105. thank you very much. it works for my windows 7 32 bit 2600 build computer (laptop to be more precise) thanks again.

  106. does it work for compaq??? win 7 ultimate?? because i dont find the serial key for compaq in the list..

  107. yes it works as of this post, used windows 7 ultimate x64

    followed Bobthebob’s instructions, but at this step:

    4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.

    At step 4, when you get to the microsoft activation site, delete all the gibberish in url so you get the base website, here the website will do some work and you’ll automatically be activated. If you don’t remove the gibberish and download the app, you’ll get a popup message with a coutnerfeit message which is where a lot of people are getting errors.

  108. Hi guys! I’ve tried the patch on my Windows Seven Ultimate MultiBrand (currently on Acer laptop computer) and the patch seems to be working, but after few days (smtms four days, smtms a month) WGA comes back again. Updates are on, but in update history there’s no sign of any wga tool or sth.

    I’ve tried to turn off updates, but I’t only did get me an annoying notification of how my computer is ‘unsecured’ now etc… No difference.

    I’m sorry, if I made some mistakes – I’m language-retarded :)

  109. Thank you very much… Its simply worked

  110. dear friend im using win 7 when i download a patch in the end( 99% ) its damaged and didnt finish it why ? what should i do?

  111. Anonymous says:

    it din work in my computer…
    when i open the installer the option there cannot click whether install or uninstall…
    how to solve this problem?

  112. Anonymous says:

    dont work in my computer

  113. Its the 10/6/11…
    And I been getting that this isnt genuine thing for like 2 months but been ignoring it. Now windows wont even start without a massive notification making my buy it, I downloaded the loader thing and it says my thing is modified…how do I uninstall it because the loader doesn’t give the uption to install or uninstall…

  114. Syed Muhammad ALI says:

    Same notification is coming that my window is not genuine. Kindly guide how to fix?

  115. Syed Muhammad ALI says:

    It is not working for me. Kindly guide how to fix the issue?

  116. work for anyone against the latest ms patch?

  117. doens´t work since june 2011

  118. after using the first crack,
    IE tries to validate my windows.

    Then I get the following message:

    “The Key Management Service (KMS) binding is missing or corrupt, preventing Windows activation. To fix this, connect to your organization’s network to reactivate.”

    how can i fix this?

  119. @Ali

    have you got any solution for this yet?

  120. didnt work for me… :(
    I have windows 7 ultimate

  121. theGman says:

    Worked for my windows 7 ultimate installation. follow the instructions given by Bobthebob.

  122. its work in my computer thank you..

  123. Aashiq Emraan says:

    :) i m speechless :) thanx a ton!!!

  124. You would need to verify it after you apply the fixer and reboot the Windows. Did you? ;)

  125. Used version “Updated in May, 2011” on Windows 7 64-bit and it did not work. Any clue?

  126. how does Windows Loader v2.0.3 work for Windows 7

  127. It didn’t work for me in Windows 7 x64

  128. Tareque says:

    Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really works !!!!! May God bless you.

  129. Thanks a lot. Uninstall and reboot, install and reboot => Success. =)

  130. windows doesnt start on reboot

  131. I can confirm..it works properly on my win7 x64!

  132. Win7, 64bit- It does not work. Try Chew-Wga. It works on my Acer notebook.

  133. THis did not work in Windows 7

  134. not fake just patched it no longer works

  135. It doesn’t work. This is fake.

  136. “Works like a charm”, “This worked on Windows 7!”, “I LOVE YOU. Thanx a bunch!” All of you are talking the same. I’m not downloading this hit.

  137. Anonymous says:

    Samuel Adams :Thanks! I am glad WGA works with Windows Vista and Windows 7 as well.

    Mili Upadhyaya :I have a genuine pop up of messagewindows 7Build 7600This copy of Windows is not genuine…
    I run as administrator the WGA.exe file but it did not work out. Mine is Window 7… could anyone help resove this issue?
    Thank YouMili

  138. okdupid(evil cupid) says:

    it worked!!!!!
    thanxxxx a hell lot!!!
    i thought it didnt worked after i rebooted, but when i pressed get genuine it was already patched!!!

  139. i have installed wga removal 2011 but i donot know how it works
    where can i find the file wga removal 2011 ?

  140. don’t extract it…directly run it and directly install. That’s all !

  141. Usman Akhter says:

    I Installed your program in my 64 bit windows and it installed properly but now as I have restarted the system its telling again that this copy of windows is not genuine please help cause im sick n tired of looking at my wall papers change to solid colors just as a punishment to my non genuine windows (Its not my fault honestly, microsoft don’t have any office here in Pakistan)

  142. no name says:

    why is that wen i extract the file there is error will apper? i’m totaly pissed off of this error

  143. Milli182 says:

    Works like a charm Thanks.. do you know how to get media center working again

  144. perfect really works and so easy use
    no registry just great 4 simpletons :P :P

  145. john kaslik says:

    Absolutely marvelous piece of software No computer should be without it. Thanks a bunch

  146. Bhavesh Mishra says:

    Absolutely Brilliant !!
    The software really works.
    You saved me a lot of time and efforts.
    Thank You !

  147. i bought my windows 7 ultimate from pc world a few months ago for £180. never kept the receipts as never thought windows would fail after months. installed with no issues until kb971033 came around and its nasty little cousins kb905474 and kb892130.

    when it said my windows wasnt genuine i had no idea why. so emailed microsoft who automated replied saying i needed download a thing giving my system specs, this came back confirming my key had been blocked by microsoft. Great. no joy after that, was like a blank wall. i tried telephoning too but got put through to a call centre in india who had no idea what i was saying. went to the retailer who said wasn’t their problem. went on microsoft website who said that my copy MUST have been pirated as their software spy indicated it was through a system change (i had changed the motherboard a few weeks earlier as installed a diffgerent processor and graphics. so theres where the route issue was. now microsoft insist i breached the contract by installing the os on a diffent machine grrrrrrrr

    thank you for this. i fuc**in despise billionair microsoft now. and their crap customer services. this seems to be the only way to keep my legit os working.

  148. Hey it worked…as said by Mr. Bobthebob …thanks a lot sir…
    Guys follow d Instruction given by Bobthebob ….rest all is useless..

  149. Hi,
    It didn’t work with my windows 7…

    Even after installing patches and registry cleaner…restarted my pc 5 to 6 times…
    I’ve even tried running the patching (As administrator) but after restarting the PC same problem

    Need your help
    [img]C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\windows 7.jpg[/img]

  150. Hi,
    It didn’t work with my windows 7…

    Even after installing patches and registry cleaner…restarted my pc 5 to 6 times…
    Need your help

  151. Anonymous says:

    @Mili Upadhyaya
    Hey !!
    click uninstall first, restart, click install, restart.
    then click on the get windows genuine on startup, it will direct u to microsoft website.
    u ll be asked to download a file, download it, they will check if u have the orginal now, and then say, WELCOME TO WINDOWS 7..

  152. CrimsonVixen says:

    it says unsupported OS information on my win7 ultimate 7100. how can i solve it.

  153. Mili Upadhyaya says:


    I have a genuine pop up of message
    windows 7
    Build 7600
    This copy of Windows is not genuine…
    I run as administrator the WGA.exe file but it did not work out. Mine is Window 7… could anyone help resove this issue?
    Thank You

  154. Mili Upadhyaya says:

    I have a genuine pop up of message
    windows 7
    Build 7600
    This copy of Windows is not genuine…

    I run as administrator the WGA.exe file but it did not work out. Mine is Window 7… could anyone help resove this issue?

    Thank You

  155. anonymous says:

    Also, anyone saying you need the internet to make this work has absolutely no idea how a patch works. Go jump off a cliff for making people more confused.

    Run as administrator, no uninstall, no reboot, no this and that. It’s a simple ass install. Click run as administrator and it’s done.

  156. anonymous says:

    Dude, people, for those of you who this doesn’t work for, use your head a bit. YOU NEED TO RUN THE WGA REMOVER AS ADMINISTRATOR! IE, right click on the exe and click run as Administrator. Simple. No safe more, no bs like that, run as administrator and it will stick. If you don’t run it as administrator, next time you login or do anything the notice will be back.

    Man, people on windows are reaaaaaaally brain dead when it comes to a bit of technology. I wish more people tried linux and they would quickly learn to understand root and administrative rights…

  157. Nosynos says:

    It works for some people, but for some it doesnt. I still cant get the install/uninstall buttons available. W7 ultimate 7601

  158. Lyall Partington says:

    The WGA removal tool 2011 is quite useless. I have downloaded it 3 times, and each time I am told it is not a valid archive.

  159. great :) thanks

  160. Omg this is great! I can’t belive I finaly solved this problem! Bobthebob-you are my hero! :))))

  161. tq a great software

  162. your really great…… thank you for providing us helpful tools and info.
    again thanks a lot

  163. It’s real annoying how much time we need to spend installing and cleaning recklessly before you find a working fix.
    Thank you again, and I really hope I won’t need to deal with WGA ever again in win 7. mwaaah

  164. OMG, i tried to get rid of WGA and finally i did by following Bobthebob’s instructions. Im using W7 built 7600, please try for few times because i succeeded on 4th attempts :)

  165. I have the Windows 7 Build 7001, I followed Bobthebob’s instructions and it doesn’t work for me -.-

  166. ahh please disable your anti-virus first and continue the process.

  167. works fine on w7 build 7600 after following bobthebob advise, thanx fixexe n all the best every1

  168. Ppl it works hurray!!!
    Follow “Bothebob’s” advice,
    But note that, when you first click uninstall it will not seem like anything has happened and it might display boot failed etc just restart and install again nothing seem to happen, no worries go to start and type activate in the search column and hit enter, it will take you to microsoft’s site do the validation and poof your desktop is clean again :-)))I’am using windows7 cheers ppl

  169. Anonymous says:

    follow what “Bobthebob” is saying..it’s working that way ;)

  170. hey, it did not work for me. :(( do i have to check all the check box at the ADVANCE OPTIONS?

  171. Bobthebob says:

    Works fine on W7 Build 7600 if you follow the instructions (which I didn’t the first time…..)

    From St3ve’s post above:

    To all those who think this doesn’t work, you’re not following the instructions: Here’s what to do.
    Download the programme and unzip it, click the read me file and look at the instructions, which are:
    1. Open programme and click “uninstall” button. Allow Windows to Reboot.
    2. After rebooting, open programme and click “install” button. Allow windows to reboot. At this point you are only part way there and you will still see the genuine advantage notifications
    3. Connect to the internet, type “activate” into windows start bar.
    4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.
    5. You may receive a notification that microsoft needs to install software to verify your system. Allow the software to download and run that software.
    6. The next window in the browser will inform you that your software is genuine.
    7. Reset your desktop background and go back to windows update to install all the latest updates.

  172. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t work on xp anymore it seems.

  173. it dose not work with windows 7 Ultimate i dont know why it install ok i rebouted my PC ok and the WGA thing still appears

  174. its not work for windows 7 ultimate.

  175. Thank You Very Much…!!!!

  176. balletak says:

    IT WORKS! thank you

  177. Help Before i Removed the WGA and it stayed for about 2 months and about 3 days ago it came back. The genuine screen is there at boot up and also it pops up on the bar at the bottom. I tried to remove but it says its not on my pc. But its there. It started when my pc messed up on start up and then the start-up repair or something came on so i let it run and now it’s still here. I can’t use any removers either :( help. Reply to my email please.
    I got Windows 7 ultimate

  178. psychmartianmuntopia says:

    Hi , hanks alot this worked like a charm on my windows 7 ultimate x64 build 7600

  179. @pawntokingsrook


    my problem is completely different. i did as u given the tips to stop the windows geniue (it is working) but my problem is i have a licenses version of Antivirus software (McAfee). the problem starts from here when i go for the updates in the (McAfee Software) in this again windows geniue is coming. i mean to say, windows 7 automatically getting it update. from here the problem starts. plzzz help me.

  180. Farhad Noor says:

    wow it is fantastic ….like it .

  181. noobzero says:

    how to recover windows 7 ultimate keep getting to recovery menu and nothing happen help please

  182. thanks alot its works on me!!

  183. O k…I did instal this WGA-remover. It did remove ..dont know what he removes… Its true. I dont have blackscreen anymore. No more that popup msg whit genuine…just for 1 or 2h. Afterthat it appears down-right-corner the message “This copy of Windows isnt genuine…” Still,no blackscreen. Just that message. Does that affect somehow my PC?(windows 7 ultimate-x32) Or should i find something else …better ?

  184. When I tried to download the remover program, Comodo told me it’s a virus and also said that the publishers did not digitally sign the program.


  185. I’m trying to install it for windows 7 build 7600 ultimate; but the downloaded rar file require password to open and I don’t have any.

    Can anybody help, please?

    Thanks in advance.

  186. your_bro says:

    just search for wga in your system, and whatever you find like WgaLogon.dll, WgaTray.exe ,just delete those and restart your system,and your work will be done.

  187. FixExe, thanks a lot, this remover works well.Thanks again……

  188. It’s not working for me…i don’t know why…i have windows 7 ultimate 64bits…i got the WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7 ….but its not working…PLEASE HELP!

  189. can u guyz gimme the instruction to remove it cuz i am afraid if i did something wrong…. please…. thx

  190. worked for me…at least for now. it worked so well that I’m skeptical. I will say, for now, that seeing that beautiful desktop back again (w/o that ugly message about my Legit windows copy) is worth the download alone. I didn’t find any viruses.

  191. Thank you, it’s great, working very well, thanks a lot to you, God Bless

  192. shanemerkx says:

    awesome, it works and easy to run the software no virus found in installing it..wow thanks for this WGA fixer..yeah thnx

  193. stay away its anothr wanker do it old way remove files 4m system 32 and rename its still the only 1 that seems 2 wrk 4me just a pain in the arse…

  194. i downloaded this program for windows 7 64bit ultimate and there no proflie tab wen i open the program, it does not work.

  195. johannah says:

    worked for Win7 ultimate x86 Asus build 7600. For those whom the software did not work, maybe you did not change the info on the “profile” tab when you open the program. The default is ACER so just try to change it into what corresponds to your computer. Thankyou

  196. ty so very muchhhh!!!!! damn spent many hours trying fix this problem and this was so easy!! again ty!!!!

  197. ayoyemi Kujero says:

    This software is working. Am a Nigerian and I tested it and wow! it worked to my Surprise. You guys are a genius. Thanks a lot

  198. yeas baby yeas baby,
    worked perfectly just follow the istructions :-P
    also i have no idea y i got those message i bought this damn machine from media markt

  199. works for me win7 ultimate 32 bit

  200. avg told me it was malware?

  201. wgafinallygone says:

    thank you again.. the tool works perfectly on my Windows pc!

  202. Thanks it just worked on window 7 ultimate x86. thanks a million times

  203. true.. sometimes registry cleaners work.. :)

  204. Thank you, wga remover worked perfectly on Windows 7!!

  205. @Maja
    I ran both versions of the remover on Ultimate 7. Neither worked. Any suggestions?

    Edit: it worked now, after I ran registry cleaner!! Too bad you need to pay for it but as long it works :)

  206. yeh ttried both no luck, time for an update :)

  207. Tried the first one also, it just doesn´t work.

  208. thnx its really work….

  209. pls dont download this WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7.
    try the first one…….

  210. i got same prob Ali

  211. hey Mario .. the install and the uninstall both buttons are UN HIGHLIGHTED :(

  212. hey it worked for my windows 7 ultimate on lenovo 32-bit OS .. Thanks so much for the program and mario for the instructions =D

  213. when i opened the programe and attempt to click uninstall i can’t because neither install nor uninstall button can be highlighted, why is this?
    i have used it before on my windows 7 before the update and it worked before.

  214. shehzad abbas says:

    didnt work no use

  215. I am trying to download this software

  216. this worked..thanks so much..i followed these directions

    “To all those who think this doesn’t work, you’re not following the instructions: Here’s what to do.
    Download the programme and unzip it, click the read me file and look at the instructions, which are:
    1. Open programme and click “uninstall” button. Allow Windows to Reboot.
    2. After rebooting, open programme and click “install” button. Allow windows to reboot. At this point you are only part way there and you will still see the genuine advantage notifications
    3. Connect to the internet, type “activate” into windows start bar.
    4. Your browser will open a window that points to the Microsoft windows genuine site.
    5. You may receive a notification that microsoft needs to install software to verify your system. Allow the software to download and run that software.
    6. The next window in the browser will inform you that your software is genuine.
    7. Reset your desktop background and go back to windows update to install all the latest updates. “

  217. I downloaded and tried to install this fix but I get message, “The certificate wasn’t successfully installed.” I’d LOVE to remove Windows Genuine Disadvantage, as I know my Windows is genuine. Can you help?

  218. Thanks for sharing, shame its not working anymore.

  219. It doesn´t work on Win 7 because service pack 1 is out. We need a new remover please ;)

  220. I try to remove it with WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7 on ultimate and after reboot it’s still here … any other solution or advice?