Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Remover

Here is the ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) remover for those who are getting annoyed by the Windows Genuine Advantage popping up every few second.

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)

You did install the latest updates recommended by Windows, now you get a message saying: this copy of Windows is not genuine, you may be victim of software counterfeiting.

To disable Ultimate Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) once for all, simply download and install WGA remover.

Updated in August, 2012 – this version of WGA Remover is recommended for Windows7. But users say it also works on XP, Vista, 7 and even Windows 8.
download  WGA Remover 2012 for Windows7 (1.6 MiB, 3,395,314 downloads)

Password: fixexe

Once patch is installed, reboot the Windows.


  1. The tool doesn’t support win7 Enterprise.

  2. @raja

    its not working.i have installed it .but still the black screen appers on my laptop.
    also the following msg appers on right bottom of my screen –
    build 7601
    this copy of windows is not genuine …
    plaese suggest me how to remove it .

  3. @Raja
    Hey Raja, can you help me with the fix as well ? I am trying to implement it on Win7 Ultimate x64on a Dell, but it doesn’t seem to work. I have tried both normal and safe modes, and have also tried 3 legit keys. But am not sure what the problem is.

  4. Tested in win7 and it worked well!!

  5. absolutly SUBLIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. it helped! thank you a lot!

  7. it’s not working. it still shows the error message. do you have any other suggestion on how to do it? thank you.


  9. DigitalXTC says:

    To all you morons calling other people stupid for not seeing the pw, It doesn’t show up all the time. It didn’t show up for me until I went a few pages back in the comments. It must suck having to down other people to feel better about yourself. Get a life.

  10. @SHUT UP!
    This tool is safe for use, any virus detection is just false.

  11. Last post, I promise, it doesn’t work for Win7 Enterprise – the program is really good, I’ve used it on XP, but it’s just not made for Enterprise.
    For all Enterprise users – Try MBR Regenerator – it’s works like magic!!! and thank you FixExe for what you have done here ^.^

  12. Well, now I can run the loader, but it won’t let me click either Install or Uninstall, they’re both grey… I’m using Win7 Enterprise (x64), Build: 7601. help?

  13. It works!!!

  14. Guys, I can’t decompress it!!! I’m using Windows 7. It only decompresses the first file “Download RegistryEasy… .html” and it doesn’t even open it, just shows me a blank white page, I can see the .exe file “Windows Loader.exe” but it doesn’t decompress it. What shoud I do??

  15. Didn’t work for me, still a black screen and i tried it twice

  16. thank you very muchh !!

  17. esta ajuda é uma merda pra começar ao abrir pede senha
    que senha é está?

  18. guys, what is the password???

  19. HammerFall says:

    Rather than use WGA remove install free softwares !

  20. whats the password??????

  21. i ned pasword for arhive

  22. nayan jagtap says:

    Wow,,, is this realy useful?

  23. yes, it actually worked. thanks

  24. doesnt work. installed and rebooted. nothing happened.

  25. fuck ** its not true

  26. I tried different tools, nothings happen. thanks to you guys, God bless you old. No need to reformat.

  27. i can’t find the guide
    where is it?

  28. It works like a charm. And only with a click of a button.

  29. allan cruz says:

    help me pls…how can i get the password of wga…thnaks.

  30. Nothing happened to my PC… it still says on the desktop that its not genuine D:

  31. You have to reactivate with the new key after you install the patch.

  32. pls send the password for WGA_Remover_2011

  33. Nothing helped me.. I tried EVERYTHING. Remove WAT + all kinds of WGA removers.. And still nothing.. They worked before, and I turned off my Windows updates so it doesn’t happen again, but now a blue screen popped up when I was first starting my computer, and after that StartFix thing finished and I was finally able to log in, I saw the notification again. Nothing works so please help me if you had such experience because I really don’t know what to do anymore..

  34. @neil

    ok, after tinkering and figering, it was not all that complex.
    works like a dream…on my computer when i click to install it hide the install behind the page, so i had to move each page that appeared out of the way…. thanks for a great program!!

  35. Does this work?

  36. Tried this in both normal and safe mode. Didn’t work for me. Is there a process that I’m missing?

  37. Installing this fixed my WGA issue but now all browsers are displaying text only (no background image, no formatting, etc.) Anyone have the same issue?

  38. poxa era isso que eu estava procurando para poder usar meu HP…valeu…

  39. hey Raja, I too have a Dell laptop. Can you tell me how you fixed yours. I have a Win 7 Ultimate.

  40. worked in a safe mode.. I run win7 x64

  41. Damn. It worked after 30min of playing with the tool since I use a laptop from Dell.

    If anyone needs additional help on installing this, let me know by posting a comment and I will try to help you ;)

  42. thanks

  43. zipper folder is invalid?what should i do?

  44. i can’t open the file.so,installing process can’t be done.what should i do?

  45. Thank you for this wga patch ;)

  46. Password is under the download’s link. Read carefully!

  47. i have W7 Professional…I’ve tried both WGA and nothing happened…

  48. wga is now gone finally!!!!

  49. This isn’t working after install nothing i have W7 ultimate 6.1 build 7600 3d- bits why?

  50. Merci, merci , merci. Ça marche et ça soulage!
    Testé et approuvé sur Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    – N’oubliez pas le mot de passe du fichier ZIP qui est noté sous le lien de téléchargement de WGA remover.

    Merci aux personnes qui ont donné de leur temps pour réaliser et publier ce remover.

  51. I have successfully removed the Windows Genuine from my PC, running Windows7 with latest updates with help of this program.

  52. Fix worked!!!

  53. Running WGA Remover 2011 removal is probably the easiest way to permanently disabled WGA on your Windows version. I tried many tools but this one really works.

  54. Anonymous says:

    For those who are asking for WGA Password please check above it’s there

  55. What is the password for wga 7?

  56. Windows 7 Genuine was so annoying…I am glad I managed to fix it with the tool.

  57. number 1

  58. that is very goog thang you

  59. the serial wasnt successfully install. why?

  60. The install option is greyed out…. What do i do?

  61. damn i just go it and the password was right there, lol how could some miss it


    Perfect for Windows 7.

  63. The serial wasn’t successfully installed. ==

  64. thank

  65. I can confirm that anti WGA tool works, but make sure you run in a safe mode and following the guidelines.

  66. The Install / uninstall boxes are not active!

  67. it didnt work on my pc, after i reboot still there is the black screen..

  68. how do i know it fixed?

  69. perfect !!!!!!! thanx a lot

  70. It is perfect if you figure out how to use it properly. Thank you for the patch.

  71. I think it fixed wga!!

  72. i can’t fixmy win 7.

  73. wga removed fixed my black screen

  74. perfect tool.. exactly what I was looking for :)

  75. thx, i fixed my win!!

  76. @hans

    It should for on any Windows7 edition. Just make sure you follow the guide.

  77. whats the pw?

  78. merci tous le monde pour ce grand travail mes amis in fr

  79. does it also work on vista home basic or only on win7 ??

  80. PEACE! ;)



  83. ubaid akbar says:

    password plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  84. Need Password Pls . . . .

  85. worked on my 7 ultimate build 7600. thanks a lot :)

  86. very very well thank s

  87. password plz….

  88. Started in safe mode, installed, reboot. Now Windows won’t load! :( Using Win7 Ultimate. It will try to fix it, but won’t really do anything (I’ve let “work” for hours). So watch out…

  89. give me my password.

  90. hello, can help what is the password?????

  91. well .. thats ok with me .. but i have another problem that my windows don’t open the zip files and i don’t know why ….

  92. When I run it, it appears that it didn’t support my windows. FYI, I’m using Windows 7 Enterprise (x86). Please help me.

  93. The Password WGA7 is fixexe.com for those who can’t read, hope this helps yall.

  94. mudassir khan says:

    please send me cd key for windows7

  95. It removed the WGA properly and fixed black desktop problem.

    Thank you!

  96. hey it tells already installed but the genuine box on d desktop is still there!!!
    how to remove that genuine box frm d desktop???
    helppp plzzzz….

  97. hi,, can i get the password???

  98. password please :)

  99. passwors please

  100. it work in win 7 ultimate.
    you most run in safe mode and unzip to new folder and run wga.exe.
    after finish restart your pc…
    you cant see no more wga after log in

  101. it worked!! :)

  102. I tried it on my windows 7 ultimate but it doesn’t work… its a crap!

  103. whats the password

  104. Thaaaanks!

    I just managed to get ride off that annoying appearance of the WGA.

    I have Win7 Ultimate, with latest updates installed and that Genuine crack worked properly.

  105. its too good

  106. doesn’t work

  107. man, it doesn’t work… :(

  108. Mr. Obvious says:

    You people asking for the password….are you that stupid? The password is just under the link you used to download the file.

  109. hey ..what is the password….plz help me

  110. didn’t help me..

  111. password plz….

  112. Password needed plz :-(

  113. It was not helping very much, Thanks ……..

  114. whats the password??

  115. Thank You

  116. Bright One says:

    I ran the files and they did not work on the Microsoft’s new WGA detect program, but no harm to my computer, so don’t worry Chris, but did find an old copy of WGA remover/patch and key gen all in one in my files. Running the fix removed the nagging screen and more.
    WPatcherP5575987 Mine was a rar file with 4 files but the web search has it in zip format too. The first time I ran it Windows security went wild and ran it any way. Computer was fine.

  117. @Gigi
    use windows 7 ultimate x86 or x32…it works better than the x64…and most of the programs from xp work on it…give it a try and u’ll know 2…:P

  118. chris dark says:

    Doesn’t work. God only knows what this just installed on my PC (Format time) but it did not remove the genuine problem. Don’t download these files..

  119. have the windows 7 ultimate sp1 install on a Apple Macbook. running independently with mac os. does the wga remover 2011 for windows 7 work?

  120. has anyone try on the windows 7 utimate sp1, x32. does it work?

  121. Bright One says:

    Windows XP Pro is now giving me the WGA warning. The fix had worked for some time but they seem to of fixed your fix


  123. wheres the password :-)

  124. wheres the password :-)

  125. Aiman Syafiq says:

    You have to download it using download manager because the download usually stop in the middle. When the download is incomplete, the file cant be used.

  126. It worked well on my Windows7, even thought I use cracked version.


  127. I have Win7 Enterprise X64 it said Unsupported …. some help will be welcome Thanks

  128. What Windows7 edition do you have?

  129. Used it in Safe Mode, Build 7601. DIDN’T WORK :((. help please !!

  130. works:) thanks a lot

  131. I have WIN 7 Ultimate 64x – It’s work! Thanks

  132. I need the password to extract WGA Removable 2011 Zip file………
    Help me guys………….


  134. hi thomas
    when i punched it into google everyone i clicked on said that it interferes
    with your registries and systems in the extreme it can figure your key strokes and learn all your passwords.
    so its working but i think if we all check in now and again to let each other now in future if it still does.

  135. its great, thanks

  136. @mark

    Do you mind explaining what has bad press on a lot of forums?

    It worked for me with no problems.

  137. hey guys not that im ungrateful but this has bad press on a lot of forums but have not experienced any problems thus far. so can you please confirm this patch is safe.

  138. lizpawnninja says:

    <3 you guys

  139. @G-Touch
    your just idiot using wga remover i have an HP 64bit system but it works.

  140. hey can you tell me if the genuine advantage icon should dissapear or is it the case that it wont keep popping up thanks in advance

  141. Jurrege I have the same problem. I dunno which other cracks.

  142. where is the password?

  143. thedarklord says:

    Wow I have never seen so many lames in my life with the horrible comments. Thanks to all who work on this. This did the job for me. I appreciate this seriously. I hate you have some stupid comments to deal with, but you did you thug thisle on this one. REAL TALK

  144. Oh my god. People are stupid here… just read the text…

    It doesnt work for me, it tells me that I need to remove my other crack first. I have no idea which crack that is. Can anybody help me?

  145. thanQ for the fix guys. it workd on my Windows 7 Professional version.
    thanks a lot. :)

  146. which post ??

  147. amit :
    what is the password


  148. what is the password

  149. Some of you obviously can’t read.

    Password for a .zip file is written in a post.

    Do your homework and read original post again.

    Thank you.

  150. Anonymous says:

    Shit !!! Now i’ve broken the bootloader. This tool is risky, but maybe it could work.

  151. Informasi says:

    Hey.. Are you nuts heh admin? Why you share information that you lock? If you won’t share anything, please don’t share anything!

  152. Anonymous says:

    please i need the password for the extract pathch

  153. please i need the password for the patch to open it

  154. Thanks a lot who works from back

  155. I need password.What is the password?

  156. holly cow . it doesn’t work

  157. it works… thanks a lot (if it doesn’t work for you, try playing with the profiles, that worked for me.. )

  158. works like breeze thank you guys

  159. Anonymous says:

    what is password dude???????????????????????????

  160. @G-Touch

    Wow. What an asshole. You think you deserve something here? This is a free application, and if you need it, it’s probably because you -stole- your copy of windows.
    Go get fucked in your self-entitled ass.

  161. F*C YOU ALL !

  162. muy buen programita lo he usado en w7 32 bts y siver comprobado en 20 pc muy bueno buen aporte

  163. Dude, this thing doesn’t work for me, and yet it worked on other computer. wtf with that? :S

  164. thank you… my win is now running properly with no wga popups

  165. Thank u very much:-) Really it works…

  166. thanks guys. it works

  167. Mohammad Raihan Mazumder says:

    Windows Genuine Remover for Windows 7 works properly.

  168. Win7 64-bit Ultimate. Worked like a charm. Just had to tell AV that the file wasn’t malware.

  169. shining Azure says:

    WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7
    tested and worked

  170. can u give me keys for extract? ty

  171. tension,,,,,,,,,,,my laptop wga disable,,,,,,

  172. key please

  173. where can i get the key ??

  174. @tomislavvv

    You can’t read.. right?

  175. Key for extract?????????????????????????????????????

  176. hay guys i tried thrice but it failed ,,, help me

  177. Really Good !!! Gor rid off the iritating pop-ups !!!
    Thanks Guys !!!!

  178. This works well. Thanks a lot. Say your Antivirus program to trust it

  179. Even I managed to get this work on Windows x64. Thank you guys, you rock!!!

  180. Fuck You Uploaders! This shit doesn’t work with Windows7 x64.

  181. Perfeito! Parabéns!!!

  182. it works on my Win7..if it doesn’t work for you..you can’t read my buddy

  183. romil lorish says:


    Anonymous :
    it didnt work

    it work run setup file than install it & restart after this go to computer properties than activate windows online a Microsoft site be open say download file , download this file after this restart windows now ur window activated enjoy

  184. well, that seemed to work…

  185. it’s dosent work

  186. Its Not Working on my Windows 7 pro N..incompatible OS..can you post if there is other link for this version..thanks.but anyway its working great on any other windows 7,except N variant.

  187. Windows 7 (x64)
    Ran the Windows Loader v2.03. Key shows correctly. Clicked on install and recieived “Installation Failed” window saying “The serial wasn’t successfully installed.”

    Any suggestions?

  188. i tried but it did not work

  189. its works its work background of window

  190. why its not work?

  191. it wont work on windows 7 ultimate build 7601.

  192. i am using a packard bell easyNote TJ65 with windows 7 ultimate.

    By trying to install the WGA remover (douple clicking on the WIndows Loader) both options to install and uninstall are not useable.

    I used WAT remover before, could the use of the program have anything to do with the fact that i can’t install the WGA remover?

    can somebody enlight me?



  194. it works on w7prof
    i just input the serial key then wait for a minute to verify

  195. it works on win 7 64-bits…thx

  196. Super, works fine thanx!!

  197. it’s working for Windows7 x64..you guys who say it doesn’t work are just idiots or newbies.

  198. For windows 7 its not at all working… a piece of shit

  199. zip file is corrupt

  200. dae baga nag gagana ang WGA Remover 2011 for Windows 7. Hadaw ta dae nag gagana iniho?

  201. virus detected

  202. Worked on my 32bit Win7. :-)
    Hope that WGA is permanently removed.
    Thank you very much.

  203. After I installed win-7, it works perfect

  204. Kaspersky antivirus detected it as trojan and removed

  205. cannot be download full its MB ,always tells this is time out,

  206. Worked on my windows 7 32 bit. Thanks a bunch! :D

  207. zip file is corrupt

  208. my pc is HP , OS windows 7 Ultimate

  209. Do I need to choose pc model?

  210. Knuckles 420 says:

    This worked for me every time! I had the disc but the nice label under the laptop did not survive a full year. Used this clicked on “windows Loader” and then clicked “install”. Then waited for about 30 seconds. It does disappear. Just wait, then it will tell you it is done, restart! And you are done!

  211. Worked nicely – ran the fix – restarted –> no warning but watermark – restarted a 2nd time –> no warning & no more watermark

    Problem Fixed :))

  212. whitesmoke says:

    it worked for me..I’m using windows 7..tnx a lot..

  213. i did tha wat remover on my windows 7 build 7600 n instantly worked download tha wga remover from pirate bay al put alink here later on in tha day tx man

  214. thnx uplader.Weldon doing great job.i give 5if ***** star

  215. T Satya Siva Kumar says:

    It worked. It is easy just
    download and run

  216. tnx

  217. im using windows 7 ultimate N 32bit operating system

  218. how it work?

  219. try to use a downloader , the file is good but there are too many downloads at same time so that it finish before file is completed.

  220. Worked perfectly – thanks!